Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming Pdf ko'rish
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Bog'liq Asosiy oxirgi 17.05.2023 18.20List of used literature
1. Akhatov, A. R., and Ulugmurodov Sh AB Qayumov ОA. "Working with robot simulation
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3. Akhatov, A. R., & Ulugmurodov, S. A. B. (2022, September). Methods and algorithms
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In International Scientific and
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Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research, 1(2), 213–216.
7. Akmal Akhatov, & Shokh Abbos Ulugmurodov. (2023). Training data selection and
labeling for machine learning braille recognition models.
International Journal of
Contemporary Scientific and Technical Research, (Special Issue), 15–21
8. Smith, J., & Brown, A. (2017). Braille text recognition for visually impaired individuals:
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9. Canny, J. (1986). A computational approach to edge detection. IEEE Transactions on
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International Journal of Computer Vision, 49(2-3), 281-300.
Эшкараева Н.Г., Боймуродов Ф.Ф. Разработка программу словоформ узбекского
языка с использованием алгоритма Портера
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Qarshi davlat universiteti international scientific and practical conference on algorithms and current problems of programming