Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi muhammad al-xorazmiy nomidagi toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti qarshi filiali
bet | 7/7 | Sana | 22.02.2024 | Hajmi | 124,5 Kb. | | #160656 |
Bog'liq Individual lohiya SILLABUS 2023 (4)Baholash turi
Ajratilgan ball
Tanlangan mavzuning dolzarbligi
Loyiha ishining qo‘yilgan talablar bo‘yicha bajarilganligi
Loyiha ishi natijaviyligi va asoslanganligi
Loyiha ishining natijalari abrobatsiyasi holati
Himoya jarayonidagi faolligi va berilgan mezonlar asosida himoylanganligi
Izoh: Joriy baholash me’zonlari asoslangan xoldaa loyiha ishi talabalar tomonidan himoya qilinishi majburiy hisoblanadi.
Foydalaniladigan adabiyotlar:
Asosiy adabiyotlar.
1. Doshchanova M.Yu., Ibrokhimov B.S., Rakhimov M.F., Hyman and Computer Communication, Aloqachi, 2018, 108 b.
2. Jenny Preece, Yvonne Rogers and Helen Sharp, Internation Design: Beyond Interaction 3rd Editon – Wiley – 2011.
3. Jeff Johnson, Design with the Mind in Mind: Simple Guide to Understanding User Interface Design Rules – Elsevier – 2010.
4. Дональд Норман, Дизайн привычных вещей – изд. Vilyams – 2006. 384 стр.
Qo‘shimcha adabiyotlar.
1. Акчурин Э.А., Человеко-машинное взаимодействие. Учебное пособие. Издательство: Солон-Пресс. Год издания 2008. 96 стр.
2. Логунова О.С., Ячиков И.М., Ильина Е.А. Человеко-машинное взаимодействие. Теория и практика. Издательство: Феникс. 2006.,
285 стр.
3.М.Г.Гриф,Автоматизация проектирования процессов функционирования человеко-машинных систем на основе метода последовательной оптимизации: [монография] / М. Новосибирск 2005. 263 стр.
4. Г.Гриф, Е.Б.Цой Новосибирск: Человеко-машинные системы и анализ данных: сборник научных трудов // Изд-во НГТУ, 2005, 263с.
5. Beyer, Hugh and Karen Holtzblatt. "Principles of contextual inquiry" (Chapter 3), from Contextual design: defining customer-centered systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.
6. Beyer, Hugh and Karen Holtzblatt. "Work models" (Chapter 6), from Contextual design: defining customer-centered systems, Morgan Kaufmann, 1998.
7. Buchenau, Marion and Suri, Jane. "Experience prototyping". In Proceedings of the 3rd Conference on Designing Interactive Systems: Processes, Practices, Methods, and Techniques, 2000.
8. Buxton, Bill. pp105-114, pp234-251, and pp330-359 from Sketching user experiences, Morgan Kaufmann, 2007.
9. Clark, Andy. "Natural born cyborgs?", from M. Beynon, C.L. Nehaniv, and K. Dautenhahn (Eds.): Cognitive Technology 2001, Lecture Notes in Artifical Intelligence 2117, pp. 17-24, Springer-Verlag, 2001.
10. Dix, Alan, Janet Finlay, Gregory Abowd, and Russell Beale. "Evaluation Techniques" (Chapter 9), from Human-Computer Interaction, 3rd edition. Pearson Education Limited, 2004.
11. Friedman, Batya and Peter Kahn, Jr. "Human values, ethics, and design" from J. A. Jacko and A. Sears (Eds.), The human-computer interaction handbook (pp. 1177-1201). Mahwah, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, 2003.
12. Hollan, James, Edwin Hutchins, and David Kirsh. "Distributed Cognition: Toward a New Foundation for Human-Computer Interaction Research." ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction, 7(2):174-196, 2000.
13. Krug, Steve, “Usability Testing on 10 Cents a Day” (chapter 9) from Don’t Make me Think, New Riders, 2005.
14. Lofland, John and Lyn Lofland. "Getting in" (Chapter 3), from Analyzing social settings: A guide to qualitative observation and analysis, 3rd edition, Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1995.
15. Moggridge, Bill. "People and Prototypes" pp665-681 from Designing interactions, MIT Press, 2007.
16. Norman, Donald. "The psychopathology of everyday things" (Chapter 1) from The design of everyday things, Basic Books, 1988.
17. Rettig, Marc. "Prototyping for tiny fingers." Communications of the Association for Computing Machinery, 37(4): 21-27, 1994.
18. Saffer, Dan. "Interface design basics" (Chapter 6) from Designing for interaction: creating smart appliances and clever devices, New Riders, 2007.
19. Ключев, А.О., Ковязина Д.Р., Кустарев, П.В., Платунов, А.Е. Аппаратные и программные средства встраиваемых систем. Учебное пособие [Текст] / А.О. Ключев, П.В. Кустарев, А.Е. Платунов. – СПб.: СПбГУ ИТМО, 2010. – 290с.
20. Tammy Noergaard Embedded Systems Architeccture A Comprehensive Guide for Engineers and Programmers. Newnes 2013. 653p.
Axborot manbalari.
1. http://window.edu.ru/resource/327/68327
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Bosh sahifa
Raqamli texnologiyalar vazirligi muhammad al-xorazmiy nomidagi toshkent axborot texnologiyalari universiteti qarshi filiali