For those of us who have watched the Matrix trilogy, the evolution of computers to
such a degree feels like a nightmare. Are computers going to take over from man?
Are we going to become their slaves sometime in the distant future? Are they going
to turn evil and destroy the Earth?
Other science fiction works foresee a more favourable future for the human race.
Computers and robots become very intelligent, but they have in-built laws that don’t
allow them to harm people. These intelligent machines are (according to some
writers) going to help mankind conquer space travel and protect it from yet unknown
enemy life forms.
What does the future hold for computers, robots and us? Are we going to continue
developing computers, robots and the software that runs them to the point where we,
humans, become completely unnecessary for their survival? We'll just have to wait
and see.
1. Technological __________ is going to change our lives.
2. Computers have already taken __________ some tasks from people.
3. In the _________ future, people may become the slaves of computers.
4. There will be some kind of software programs that won't __________ computers
to harm people.
5. In the future, computers may not be dependent on humans for their ___________.