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  • 3 lecture topic: Types and components of computers, basic features and characteristics of computers

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    3 LECTURE Topic: Types and components of computers, basic features and characteristics of computers

    X.M jamolov

    3-MA’RUZA Mavzu: Kompyuterning turlari va tashkiliy qismlari, kompyuterlarning asosiy ko’rsatkichlari va xususiyatlari

    X.M jamolov

    Computer technology development during very much a lot of different kind of computers functional was released . Their in now forgotten they left with together , computer architecture oid modern idea and developments his big effect shown There are also computers . Computer architecture previous in the report listed development steps analysis to do with , modern computers how built and how performance about knowledge more expansion , and this on computers performance qualification more increase possible will be .
    Kompyuter texnologiyalarining rivojlanishi davomida juda ko‘p turli xil kompyuterlar ishlab chiqildi. Ularning ichida hozirda unitilib ketganlari bilan birga, kompyuter arxitekturasiga oid zamonaviy g‘oya va ishlanmalarga o‘zining katta ta’sirini ko‘rsatgan kompyuterlar ham bor. Kompyuter arxitekturasini oldingi ma’ruzada keltirilgan rivojlanish bosqichlarini taxlil qilish bilan, zamonaviy kompyuterlarning qanday qurilganligi va qanday ishlashi haqidagi bilimlarni yanada kengaytirish, hamda ushbu kompyuterlarda ishlash malakasini yanada oshirish mumkin bo‘ladi.
    It was one of the first computers to lay the foundations for today's computers, this is 1952 Jon Fon Neyman by functional out and first generation computers mansub which is - IAS ( Immediate Address Storage ) " directly addressee memory _ _ nomga has is a computer . B is the computer architecture is shown in Figure 1 drawing based on explanation possible .
    Fon Neyman computers five basic parts consists of : memory , arithmetic-logic device , management device and information input-output devices . This of the computer memory , of 4096 words , each 40 bits long consists of . This is 4096 x 5 bytes (40 bits = 5 x 8 bits) = 20480 bytes = 20 Kbytes size has fast memory . 40 bits each _ the word is 20 bits two from the command or 40 bits long sign all sondan consists of to be possible was . 20 bits each _ 8 bits of the command of the command type - that is add ( ADD ), multiply ( SUB ), multiply ( MUL ), copy such as write ( MOV ) from commands one command _ _ the remaining 12 bits esa from 4096 words in memory one address for service did _
    Hozirda ishlab chiqarilayotgan kompyuterlarning qurilish asoslarini o‘zida mujassam etgan dastlabki kompyuterlardan biri, bu 1952 yili Jon Fon Neyman tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan va birinchi avlod kompyuterlariga mansub bo‘lgan - IAS (Immediate Address Storage) «to‘g‘ridan-to‘g‘ri adreslanuvchi xotira» degan nomga ega kompyuterdir. Bu kompyuterning arxitekturasini 1-rasmda keltirilgan chizma asosida tushuntirish mumkin.
    Fon Neyman kompyuteri beshta asosiy qismlardan iborat: xotira, arifmetik-mantiqiy qurilma, boshqarish qurilmasi va ma’lumotlarni kiritish-chiqarish qurilmalari. Ushbu kompyuterning xotirasi, har biri 40 bit uzunlikdagi 4096-ta so‘zlardan iborat. Bu 4096 x 5 bayt (40 bit = 5 x 8 bit) = 20480 bayt = 20 Kbayt xajmga ega tezkor xotiradir. 40 bitli har bir so‘z 20 bitli ikkita buyruqdan yoki 40 bit uzunlikdagi ishorali butun sondan iborat bo‘lishi mumkin edi. 20 bit uzunlikdagi har bir buyruqning 8 biti buyruqning turini – ya’ni qo‘shish (ADD), ayirish (SUB), ko‘paytirish (MUL), ko‘chirib yozish (MOV) kabi buyruqlardan birini ko‘rsatsa, buyruqning qolgan 12 biti esa xotiradagi 4096 so‘zdan birini adreslash uchun xizmat qilgan.
    Figure 1. Neyman calculation machine
    AMQ is arithmetic-logical device (АЛУ, арифметико-логическое устройство) , BQ - Management structure (УУ, устройство управления ) , PQ - peripheral device (ПУ, периферийное устройство)
    1-rasm. Neyman hisoblash mashinasi
    AMQ – arifmetik-mantiqiy qurilma (АЛУ, арифметико-логическое устройство), BQ – Boshqarish qurilamsi (УУ, устройство управления), PQ – periferik qurilma (ПУ, периферийное устройство)
    Arithmetic-logical device 40 bits long has - called a battery special internal register which was . And basically of the computer commands , current computers commands as fast _ from memory obtained information to the battery write in it required actions do , then esa results fast to memory back write procedures performed _ This is a computer point excitable numbers on actions bajara did not receive .
    Arifmetik-mantiqiy qurilma tarkibida 40 bit uzunlikka ega – akkumulyator deb nomlangan maxsus ichki registr bo’lgan. U asosan kompyuterning buyruqlari, hozirgi kompyuterlarning buyruqlariga o‘xshab, tezkor xotiradan olingan ma’lumotlarni akkumulyatorga yozish, unda kerakli amallarni bajarish, so‘ngra esa natijalarni tezkor xotiraga qaytib yozish amallarini bajargan. Bu kompyuter nuqtasi qo’zg’aluvchan sonlar ustida amallar bajara olmagan.
    Computers contains basic formed from one which was display , 1960 DEC firm by functional removed , second generation computers on a PDP- 1 computer first have used . This display is 512x512 pixels to size has being , then points using drawings draw possible was .
    In 1965 functional released the first mini- computer on a PDP-8 computer , currently computers in architecture important place holding , computer content entered devices reciprocal connector from parallel conductors consists of - general from the tire used . 50,000 DEC PDP - 8 computers sold and this with , mini- computers in the market leadership to the company became . Of the PDP-8 computer simplified drawing Shown in Figure 2 .
    Kompyuterlar tarkibida asosiy tashkil etuvchilardan biri bo’lgan displey, 1960 yili DEC firmasi tomonidan ishlab chiqarilgan, ikkinchi avlod kompyuterlariga mansub PDP-1 kompyuterida birinchi bor qo‘llanilgan. Bu displey 512x512 piksel o‘lchamga ega bo‘lib, unda nuqtalar yordamida chizmalarni chizish mumkin edi.
    1965 yili ishlab chiqarilgan birinchi mini-kompyuter hisoblangan PDP-8 kompyuterida, hozirgi kompyuterlar arxitekturasida muhim o‘rin tutgan, kompyuter tarkibiga kirgan qurilmalarni o‘zaro ulovchi parallel o‘tkazgichlardan iborat - umumiy shinadan foydalanilgan. DEC firmasi PDP-8 kompyuteridan 50000 donasini sotgan va bu bilan, mini-kompyuterlar bozorida etakchi kompaniyaga aylandi. PDP-8 kompyuterining soddalashtirilgan chizmasi 2-rasmda keltirilgan.
    Figure 2. Of the PDP-8 computer simplified drawing _
    2-rasm. PDP-8 kompyuterining soddalashtirilgan chizmasi.
    Current on computers wide using coming - one of time in itself , a how many programs work instead increase mechanism - multitasking , IBM IBM 360 computers to his family mansub which was in models set off put was .
    In 1981 , IBM by personal computers the first calculated , too large integrated circuits based on fourth generation computers mansub which was IBM PC (Personal Computer) computers functional can be removed started . This Microsoft Corporation on computers by functional output MS-DOS operation system installed was .
    Hozirgi kompyuterlarda keng qo‘llanib kelayotgan – bir vaqtning o‘zida, bir nechta dasturlarni ishlashini amalga oshirish mexanizmi – multidasturlash, IBM firmasining IBM 360 kompyuterlari oilasiga mansub bo‘lgan modellarda yo‘lga qo‘yilgan edi.
    1981 yilda IBM kompaniyasi tomonidan shaxsiy kompyuterlarning dastlabkilari hisoblangan, o‘ta katta integral sxemalar asosida to‘rtinchi avlod kompyuterlariga mansub bo‘lgan IBM PC (Personal Computer) kompyuterlari ishlab chiqarila boshlandi. Ushbu kompyuterlarda Microsoft korporatsiyasi tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan MS-DOS operatsion tizimi o‘rnatilgan edi.
    1985 _ word 32 -bit Intel 386 processor in length installed personal computers functional can be removed began . On these computers while the MS-DOS operation system based on running , Microsoft Corporation by functional an enhanced Windows shell program is also installed was .
    1980s _ in the middle come abbreviated commands to the set has which was - RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) computers functional can be removed started . This computers commands from them first functional released - complete commands to the set has CISC ( Complex Instruction Set Computer) computers commands relatively much simple and fast performed was . RISC computers based on later a lot number commands a at the time bajara receiver - superscalar computers functional can be removed started .
    1985 yili so‘z uzunligi 32 bitli Intel 386 protsessori o‘rnatilgan shaxsiy kompyuterlar ishlab chiqarila boshladi. Bu kompyuterlarda esa, MS-DOS operatsion tizimi asosida ishlaydigan, Microsoft korporatsiyasi tomonidan ishlab chiqilgan Windows qobiq dasturi ham o‘rnatilgan edi.
    1980 yillarning o‘rtalariga kelib qisqartirilgan buyruqlar to‘plamiga ega bo‘lgan - RISC (Reduced Instruction Set Computer) kompyuterlar ishlab chiqarila boshlandi. Ushbu kompyuterlarning buyruqlari, ulardan avval ishlab chiqarilgan - to‘liq buyruqlar to‘plamiga ega bo‘lgan - CISC (Complex Instruction Set Computer) kompyuterlarning buyruqlariga nisbatan ancha sodda va tez bajarilar edi. RISC kompyuterlari asosida keyinchalik ko‘p sonli buyruqlarni bir vaqtda bajara oladigan - superskalyar kompyuterlar ishlab chiqarila boshlandi.
    4 generations element database of computers calculated - extreme large integrated circuits content a how much on thousand , one how much face ming and finally a how much on millions transistors placement capacity appear be , develop being released computers resolution fast pictures with shrink take came _ In 1993 , Apple by fifth generation computers calculated , Apple Newton named pocket computers functional was released . Here it is generation computers considered to belong to , computer technology in the field sharp turn made - « invisible computers _ _ _ computers are also developed can be removed began . “ Invisible computers " now - household technique devices , watches , bank cards and different many devices contains used . B he computers , the world functional release development , strong effect showed .
    4 avlod kompyuterlarining element bazasi hisoblangan - o‘ta katta integral mikrosxemalar tarkibiga bir necha o‘n ming, bir necha yuz ming va nihoyat bir necha o‘n millionlab tranzistorlarni joylashtirish imkoniyatlarining paydo bo‘lishi, ishlab chiqarilayotgan kompyuterlar o‘lchamlarini tez suratlar bilan kichrayishiga olib keldi. 1993 yili Apple kompaniyasi tomonidan beshinchi avlod kompyuteri hisoblangan, Apple Newton nomli cho‘ntak kompyuteri ishlab chiqildi. Mana shu avlod kompyuterlariga mansub deb hisoblangan, kompyuter texnologiyasi sohasida keskin burilish yasagan – «ko‘rinmas kompyuterlar» deb nom olgan kompyuterlar ham ishlab chiqarila boshladi. «Ko‘rinmas kompyuterlar» hozirda – maishiy texnika qurilmalari, soatlar, bank kartochkalari va boshqa-boshqa ko‘pgina qurilmalar tarkibida ishlatilmoqda. Bu kompyuterlar, jahon ishlab chiqarishining rivojlanishiga, kuchli ta’sir ko‘rsatdi.

    function , computers can be divided

    • universal (for general issues);
    • problem-oriented;
    • specialized.

    Vazifasi bo‘yicha kompyuterlarni uch guruHga ajratish mumkun

    • universal (umumiy masalalarga mo‘ljallangan);
    • muammoga yo‘naltirilgan;
    • maxsuslashtirilgan.

    Size and H computational power The following guru H computers can be divided into :

    • very large (supercomputers);
    • large;
    • small;
    • very small (microcomputers).

    O‘lchami va Hisoblash quvvati bo‘yicha kompyuterlarni quyidagi guruHlarga bo‘lish mumkun:

    • juda katta (supperkompyuterlar);
    • katta;
    • kichik;
    • juda kichik (mikrokompyuterlar).

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    3 lecture topic: Types and components of computers, basic features and characteristics of computers

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