• 3 lecture topic: Types and components of computers, basic features and characteristics of computers

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    Personal to computers similar , but to them relatively size on very much small _


    Shaxsiy kompyuterlarga o’xshash, lekin ularga nisbatan o’lchami bo’yicha juda kichik.


    Microcontrollers different household service and technician devices set ( mobile phones , laundry wash machines , printers , televisions and others ). They are to people devices to manage opportunity gives _
    Microcontrollers their own resolution complete though _ as calculation devices is , that is they are memory , processor and input-output vosi talara has _
    Again programmable and unprogrammable types available . Again unprogrammable microcontrollers for applications functional remove on time is written and uni later change possible not . Microcontrollers big in quantity functional are released ( large in series ).


    Mikrokontrollerlar turli maishiy xizmat va texnik qurilmalarga o’rnatiladi (mobil telefonlar, kir yuvish mashinalari, printerlar, televizorlar va boshqalar). Ular insonlarga qurilmalarni boshqarishga imkon beradi.
    Mikrokontrollerlar o’zlarining o’lchamlariga qaramasdan, to’liq ravishda hisoblash qurilmalari hisoblanadi, yani ular xotira, protsessor va kiritish-chiqarish vositalariga ega.
    Qayta dasturlanadigan va dasturlanmaydigan turlari mavjud. Qayta dasturlanmaydigan mikrokontrollerlar uchun dasturlar ishlab chiqarish vaqtida yoziladi va uni keyinchalik o’zgartirish mumkin emas. Mikrokontrollerlar katta mig’dorda ishlab chiqarilmoqdalar (katta seriyalarda).


    Servers From PCs their own strength ( strong servers ) _ difference does and monitor and other peripheral devices may not participate . In networks used . On servers usually memories increased (TX and solid disks ) and high speed network interfaces is set . On servers information and applications stored ( allocated file servers and server applications ). Server processors usually users and data login rights manages . Calculations on client computers amalaga is increased .

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    3 lecture topic: Types and components of computers, basic features and characteristics of computers

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