• Personal computers by generation are divided into guru
  • 3 lecture topic: Types and components of computers, basic features and characteristics of computers

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    Computer types

    • Supercomputer.
    • Mainframe.
    • Computer Server.
    • Workstation Computer.
    • Personal Computer or PC.
    • Microcontroller.
    • Smartphone.

    Kompyuter turlari

    • Supercomputer.
    • Mainframe.
    • Server Computer.
    • Workstation Computer.
    • Personal Computer or PC.
    • Microcontroller.
    • Smartphone.

    Personal computers by generation are divided into guru

    • 1st generation - 8-bit processors used;
    • 2nd generation - 16-bit processors used;
    • 3rd generation - 32-bit processors used;
    • 4th generation - 64-bit processors used.

    Avlodlar bo‘yicha shaxsiy kompyuterlar quyidagi tartibda guruHlarga bo‘linadi:

    • 1-avlod – 8-bitli protsessorlar ishlatilgan;
    • 2-avlod – 16-bitli protsessorlar ishlatilgan;
    • 3-avlod – 32-bitli protsessorlar ishlatilgan;
    • 4-avlod – 64-bitli protsessorlar ishlatilgan.


    Stationary and portable ( laptop ) types divided into
    Personal computers for available monitor and other a series peripheral devices is basic . SHK blockade main ( system ) board , processor , various memories ( TSQ , hard disk ), input and output device , peripheral devices and others located .
    SHK ni expand possible . Unga ease with different additional devices add possible . SHK ga different branches appropriate software supplies installation possible .


    Statsionar va portativ (noutbuklar) turlarga bo’linadi.
    Shaxsiy kompyuterlar uchun mavjud monitor va boshqa bir qator periferik qurilmalar asosiydir. ShK blokida asosiy (tizimli) plata, protsessor, turli xotiralar (TSQ, qattiq disk), kiritish-chiqarish qurilmasi, periferik qurilmalar va boshqalar joylashgan.
    ShK ni kengaytirish mumkin. Unga osonlik bilan turli qo’shimcha qurilmalarni qo’shish mumkin. ShK ga turli soxalarga tegishli dasturiy ta’minotlarni o’rnatish mumkin.

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    3 lecture topic: Types and components of computers, basic features and characteristics of computers

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