Structure and volume of the dissertation
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Bog'liq amaliyot kundalikStructure and volume of the dissertation. The dissertation consists of an introduction, four chapters, conclusion, the list of references and appendices. The volume of the dissertation is 117 pages.
I boʻlim (chast I; part I)
Norinov M., Abdukadirov B., Gofurov M. Application of Fourier Methods and Discrete-Cosinus Transformation in the Process of Processing of TV Images // International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering. – 2019.
– Vol. 8, Issue 9S3. – Pp. 1565-1568. (№3; Scopus; IF=0.6;)
Niyozmatova N., Mamatov N., Samijonov A., Abdukadirov B., Abdullayeva B. Algorithm for determining the coefficients of the interpolation polynomial of Newton with separated differences // IOP Conference Series: Materials Science and Engineering. – 2020. – Vol. 862, Issue 042019. – Pp. 1-4. (№3; Scopus; IF=0.51;)
Fozilov Sh.X., Radjabov S.S., Abdukadirov B.A. Shaxsni biometrik identifikasiyalash tizimlarida soxta kirishni aniqlash muammosi // Muhammad al-Xorazmiy avlodlari. – 2020. –№ 3(13). – B. 16-23. (05.00.00; №10)
Abdukadirov B.A., Xashimov A.A., Nurilloev I.F. Tojiboeva Sh.X., Mamatov A.A. Shaxsni yuz tasviri boʻyicha indentifikasiya qilish tizimlarida soxta kirishni aniqlashga boʻlgan yondashuv // Informatika va energetika muammolari Oʻzbekiston jurnali. – 2020. – №3. –B. 73-82. (05.00.00; №5)
Mamatov N.S., Abdukadirov B.A., Samijonov A.N., Nurilloev I.F., Neyron tarmoqlarida ma'lumotlarni oʻqitishda yoʻqotishlarni kamaytirish usullari // Muhammad al-Xorazmiy avlodlari. – 2021. – №2(16). – B. 13-17. (05.00.00; №10)
Abdukadirov B. Methods for detecting false inputs in biometric systems // Scientific and Technical Journal of Namangan Institute of Engineering and Technology. – 2021. – Vol. 6, Issue 3. – Pp. 208-214. (05.00.00; №33)
Mamatov N.S., Abdukadirov B.A., Mutalov S.X. Biometrik identifikasiyalash tizimiga soxta chop etilgan hujumlarni aniqlashga boʻlgan yondashuv // Hisoblash va amaliy matematika muammolari. – Toshkent 2022, Maxsus son №2/1(40). – B. 315-323. (05.00.00; №23)
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