• 2.1. 2-picture membrane bilayer and liposome.
  • -picture Schematic representations of three types of membrane lipid

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    Structure and function of biological membranes.

    2.1 1-picture Schematic representations of three types of membrane lipid.
    (a) Phosphatidylcholine, a glycerophospholipid. (b) Glycolipid. (c) A sterol.

    The sugars attached to lipids and proteins can act as markers due to the structural diversity of sugar chains. For example, antigens composed of sugar chains on the surface of red blood cells determine an individual's blood group. These antigens are recognized by antibodies to cause an immune response, which is why matching blood groups must be used in blood transfusions. Other carbohydrate markers are present in disease (e.g. specific carbohydrates on the surface of cancer cells), and can be used by doctors and researchers to diagnose and treat various conditions.

    Amphipathic lipids form bilayers
    All membrane lipids are amphipathic—that is, they contain both a hydrophilic (water-loving) region and a hydrophobic (water-hating) region. Thus the most favourable environment for the hydrophilic head is an aqueous one, whereas the hydrophobic tail is more stable in a lipid environment. The amphipathic nature of membrane lipids means that they naturally form bilayers in which the hydrophilic heads point outward towards the aqueous environment and the hydrophobic tails point inward towards each other (Figure 2a). When placed in water, membrane lipids will spontaneously form liposomes, which are spheres formed of a bilayer with water inside and outside, resembling a tiny cell (Figure 2b). This is the most favourable configuration for these lipids, as it means that all of the hydrophilic heads are in contact with water and all of the hydrophobic tails are in a lipid environment.

    2.1. 2-picture membrane bilayer and liposome.

    Early experiments by E. Gorter and F. Grendel in 1925 were the first to demonstrate that biological membranes are bilayers. These researchers extracted the lipids from red blood cells and found that they occupied a space that was twice the surface area of the cell. Red blood cells contain no internal membranes, so they deduced that the plasma membrane must be composed of two layers of lipids.

    Biological membranes and the fluid mosaic model
    The fluid mosaic model proposed by Jonathan Singer and Garth Nicolson in 1972 describes the dynamic and fluid nature of biological membranes. Lipids and proteins can diffuse laterally through the membrane. Phospholipids can diffuse relatively quickly in the leaflet of the bilayer in which they are located. A phospholipid can travel around the perimeter of a red blood cell in around 12 s, or move the length of a bacterial cell within 1 s. Phospholipids can also spin around on their head-to-tail axis, and their lipid tails are very flexible. These different types of movements create a dynamic, fluid membrane which surrounds cells and organelles. Membrane proteins can also move laterally in the bilayer, but their rates of movement vary and are generally slower than those of lipids. In some cases, membrane proteins are held in particular areas of the membrane in order to polarize the cell and enable different ends of the cell to have different functions. One example of this is the attachment of a glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI) anchor to proteins to target them to the apical membrane of epithelial cells and exclude them from the basolateral membrane.
    Fluorescence photobleaching is one experimental method that is used by scientists to demonstrate visually the motility of proteins and lipids in a bilayer. A lipid or membrane protein located on the surface of a cell is tagged with a fluorescent marker such as green fluorescent protein (GFP). A beam of laser light is then focused on to a small area of the cell surface using a fluorescence microscope in order to bleach the fluorescent tags in this area so that they no longer emit a fluorescence signal. This small area of membrane is observed over time and gradually the fluorescence increases again, indicating that other tagged proteins or lipids are diffusing into this region from elsewhere in the membrane. This demonstrates that the lipid bilayer surrounding cells is fluid in nature and allows lateral diffusion of both lipids and membrane proteins.
    Despite all this movement of lipids and proteins in the bilayer, vertical movement, or ‘flip-flop’, of lipids and proteins from one leaflet to another occurs at an extremely low rate. This is due to the energetic barrier encountered when forcing the hydrophilic head (in the case of lipids) or hydrophilic regions (in the case of proteins) through the hydrophobic environment of the inside of the membrane. This near absence of vertical movement allows the inner and outer leaflets of the bilayer to maintain different lipid compositions, and enables membrane proteins to be inserted in the correct orientation for them to function. However, some enzymes facilitate the process of lipid flip-flop from one leaflet to another. These flippases, or phospholipid translocators, use ATP to move lipids across the bilayer to the other leaflet. In eukaryotic cells, flippases are located in various organelles, including the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), where they flip-flop newly synthesized lipids.
    How membranes are made
    Biological membranes are formed by adding to a pre-existing membrane. In prokaryotes this occurs on the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane, facing the cytoplasm. In eukaryotes, membrane synthesis takes place at the ER on the cytoplasmic leaflet of the ER membrane (termed the ‘inside’ of the cell). Lipids then leave the ER and travel through the secretory pathway for distribution to various subcellular compartments or the plasma membrane.
    In eukaryotic cells, enzymes that span the ER catalyse the formation of membrane lipids. In the cytoplasmic leaflet of the ER membrane, two fatty acids are bound, one by one, to glycerol phosphate from the cytoplasm. This newly formed diacylglycerol phosphate is anchored in the ER membrane by its fatty acid chains. The phosphate is then replaced by the head group (e.g. phosphate and choline). Flippases in the ER membrane can then move some of these newly formed lipids to the luminal side of the ER membrane. Similarly, flippases in prokaryotes can transfer new lipids from the inner leaflet of the plasma membrane to the outer leaflet. These flippases are responsible for adjusting the lipid composition of each layer of the membrane. In eukaryotes, lipids must then be distributed to the various intracellular membranes. The traffic of vesicles between organelles in combination with signals that direct particular lipids to specific locations is required to create the correct lipid composition in all of the cellular membranes. Vesicles bud from the ER and travel via the ER–Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC) to join with the Golgi, where sorting of lipids takes place. The Golgi then sends lipids in vesicles to various destinations, including the plasma membrane and lysosomes. Lipids and proteins are internalized from the plasma membrane into endosomes. Organelles, such as mitochondria, acquire lipids from the ER by a different mechanism. Water-soluble proteins called phospholipid-exchange proteins remove phospholipids from the ER membrane and deposit them in the membranes of the appropriate organelles.

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    -picture Schematic representations of three types of membrane lipid

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