• 12. References
  • Speech Recognition for Smart Homes

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    11. Conclusion 
    The major components of a smart home ASR system currently exist within the speech 
    recognition research community, as the evolutionary result of half a century of applied and 
    academic research. The command-and-control application of appliances and devices within 
    the home, in particular the constrained grammar syntax, allows a recognizer such as Sphinx 

    Technologies and Applications 
    to operate with high levels of accuracy. Results are presented here which relate accuracy to 
    vocabulary size, and associate metrics for reducing vocabulary (and thus maximising 
    accuracy) through the use of restricted grammars for specialised applications. 
    Audio aspects related to the smart home, and the use of LVCSR for multi-user dictation 
    tasks are currently major research thrusts, as is the adaption of ASR systems for use in 
    embedded devices. The application of speech recognition for performing WWW queries is 
    probably particularly important for the adoption of such systems within a usable smart 
    home context, and this work is ongoing, and likely to be greatly assisted if current research 
    efforts towards a semantic web will impact the WWW as a whole. 
    The future of ASR within smart homes will be assured first by the creation of niche 
    applications which deliver to users in a friendly and capable fashion. That the technology 
    largely exists has been demonstrated here, although there is still some way to go before such 
    technology will be adopted by the general public. 
    12. References 
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