• Meanings of the main terms related to information technology
  • Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Al-Khorazmi, Karshi branch Foreign language self study in science 3

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    Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Al-Khorazmi, Karshi branch Foreign language 2. self study in science 3.

    Teacher: Ergashev.t

    Student: Rakhmatov.D

    Forming questions with modal verbs

    • Can you give me a hand with this? (Bu ishda menga yordam bera olasizmi?)
    • Could you tell me the time, please? (Siz menga vaqtni aytab berishingiz mumkinmi?)
    • Would you like to join us for dinner tonight? (Siz biz bilan kechki nonushta uchun qo'shilmoqchimisiz?)
    • Should I bring anything to the party? (To'yga nimani olib kelishim kerak?)
    • May I borrow your pen for a moment? (Men sizning qalamingizni bir minutga olib foydalanishim mumkinmi?)
    • Must we attend the meeting tomorrow? (Ertaga bo'lib o'tiladigan uchrashuvda qatnashish majburiymi?)
    • Shall we go for a walk in the park? (Biz parkda aylanishga chiqsak bo'ladi-mi?)“
    • Will you turn that music down ? – (bu musiqani o'chirib qo'yasizmi?)
    • Modal fe'llar ingliz tilidagi yordamchi fe'llardir va kelajak, ruxsat so'ralish, shartli yoki maslahat beruvchi holatlarda ishlatiladi. Bu fe'llarning turli xil ma'nolari va usullari mavjud, ular ko'p tillarda foydalaniladi.
    • Quyidagi modal fe'llar ingliz tilidagi asosiy modal fe'llardir:
    • Can - qobiliyat, imkoniyat bildirish uchun ishlatiladi. Masalan: I can swim. (Men suzishni bilaman.)
    • Could - past conditional fe'li hisoblanadi, shu sababli ham yordam so'rovlari uchun va ruxsat so'rovlari uchun ham foydalaniladi. Masalan: Could you help me? (Menga yordam bera olasizmi?)
    • May - ruxsat so'rovlari uchun foydalaniladi. Masalan: May I come in? (Kirishga ruxsat berasizmi?)
    • Might - maydan ijobiy, ammo past conditionaldan o'zgaradi. Bundan tashqari, maslahat berishda va ishla olmayotgan holatlar haqida gaplashishda ham ishlatiladi. Masalan: You might want to bring a jacket. ("Siz kiyim-chap bilan kelishingiz mumkin.")
    • Must - majburiyat bildirish uchun ishlatiladi. Masalan: I must go to work. (Men ishga borishim kerak.)
    • Shall - kelajakdagi holatlar haqida so'rov so'ralishda va taklif qilishda ishlatiladi. Masalan: Shall we go to the movies? (Kinoga boramizmi?)
    • Should - maslahat berish uchun ishlatiladi. Masalan: You should see a doctor. (Siz shifokorga ko'rining.)
    • Modal fe'llar ingiliz tilidagi dasturlash tillarida ham keng tarqalgan hisoblanadi, chunki ular dastur kodlarining shartli bo'limlarini yaratishda, ko'pincha, kerakli amallarni bajarishda ham foydalaniladi.

    Meanings of the main terms related to information technology

    • The meanings of the main terms related to information technology are as follows:
    • Internet - a global network that connects millions of networks to each other and provides communication between them.
    • Server - a computer that provides services for storing information on a network and accessing it.
    • Router - a device that receives and forwards messages on a network to ensure their proper delivery.
    • Firewall - a device that detects and prevents security threats and attacks on a network.
    • Malware - harmful software, viruses or hackers that can be installed on computers.
    • Encryption - the process of converting data into a secret code to securely transmit it over a network.
    • Cloud computing - a network with extensive experience in providing services and storing information through the Internet.
    • These terms are the most basic terms used in the field of information technology.
    • API (Application Programming Interface) - an interface for working with programming languages and libraries to create software.-API (Application Programming Interface)
    • GUI (Graphical User Interface) - a graphical interface for working with software.
    • URL (Uniform Resource Locator) - an address for accessing web pages, files, or other information.
    • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - a specific language used for creating web pages.
    • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - a method for controlling the style of web pages written in HTML.
    • JavaScript - a programming language used for creating dynamic effects on web pages.
    • Database - a storage system for data, which is used by servers and other computers.
    • CMS (Content Management System) - a specific system for organizing, editing, and managing websites.
    • SEO (Search Engine Optimization) - the practice of optimizing a product created for being displayed in search engine results.-SEO (Search Engine Optimization)
    • DevOps (Development Operations) - a method and practice for combining software development and system operations.

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    Tashkent University of Information Technologies named after Al-Khorazmi, Karshi branch Foreign language self study in science 3

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