Task Detailed Steps
bet | 1/8 | Sana | 22.07.2021 | Hajmi | 78,77 Kb. | | #15678 |
Azure Multi-Factor Authentication helps safeguard access to data and applications while meeting user demand for a simple sign in process. It delivers strong authentication with a range of easy verification options - phone call, text message, or mobile app notification - allowing users to choose the method they prefer.
During this lab, you will run several exercises that will help you achieve a better understanding of Azure Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA). In this lab you will:
Configure MFA in Azure Active Directory and use it to enforce multi-factor authentication
Deploy the Azure MFA Server and configure AD FS to capitalize on it for integrated and policy-driven multi-factor authentication
Use the Azure MFA app password feature set to facilitate authentication for active clients such as Outlook or Lync
Disable MFA
Note: To complete this lab, you must have completed all the steps in the Setup/Pre-Requisite guide, including the "On-Premises" hydration and copying the Allfiles folder to the root of the C: drive on the DC1 VM.
You must also have completed the ADFS lab.
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