Install and Configure the Multi-Factor Authentication Server
bet | 3/8 | Sana | 22.07.2021 | Hajmi | 78,77 Kb. | | #15678 |
Detailed Steps
Complete these steps from an internet-connected Windows computer.
Add a mobile number for JohnF
Bring up the browser session with the Microsoft Azure Management Portal.
In the VIRTUAL MACHINES workspace, select the DC1 virtual machine and then click CONNECT
Log in as corp\LabAdmin using the password pass@word1
Run Active Directory Users and Computers
Navigate to the Corporate, HR OU
Right-click JohnF and click Properties
Switch to the Telephones tab and in the Mobile field, provide your mobile phone number, with country code, in the following format: +XXXXXXXXXXXX - Make sure you use this format exactly, including your country code to prevent issues later in this lab
Install the Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication Server on DC1
Still on DC1, in Internet Explorer navigate to https://manage.windowsazure.com and sign in using your admin2 credentials (admin2@.onmicrosoft.com)
Click Active Directory in the navigation bar
Click MANAGE in the command bar
In the left navigation bar under the Downloads header, click Server
Under the Multi-factor Authentication Server header, click the Download link - leave this page open in Internet Explorer
Click Run
Click Yes and complete the installation
Note: If you are warned that updates are required, complete those. If the install fails after this, try the download again.
When the Windows Azure Multi-Factor Authentication wizard launches, select Skip using the Authentication Configuration Wizard, and click Next
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