Bog'liq Сборник докладов международной научно техической конференции 21
Conclusion As a result of the study of the influence of resonant frequencies on the dynamic load
of a valve-type axial motor with a permanent magnets rotor, it was found that the element
of the engine most susceptible to unwanted deformations is the permanent magnets rotor,
which has resonant oscillations when the frequency increases to 3 kHz. The rotor plate
shear stress was 4.7% of the motor structure shear stress. The rotor plates were subjected
to no less vibrations, which were significantly deformed at a resonant frequency of 8.42
kHz with a deformation scale of 98,5 % and a deformation scale of 733 % at a frequency
of 15 kHz. This obviously leads to the destruction of the motor's magnetic circuit. In
addition, at frequencies above 14.2 kHz, intense deformations of the motor shaft are
observed. The graph of the resonant frequencies of the motor depending on the number of
FEM analysis iterations was received.
Therefore, recommendations for optimizing the design of a motor operating at high
resonant frequencies include increasing the thickness of the stator and rotor core boards
and using more mechanically robust materials for the rotor core and motor shaft.
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Секция №2 Технология цифровизации и энергоаудит, обеспечивающие энергоэффективность и ресурсосбережение в электромеханике и электротехнологии, тепловой и атомной энергетике