• Durability
  • Moisture
  • CRT - katod ray naychalari; VI

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    ENG SO\'NGGI Birinchi qism tipografiya uchun (1)

    CRT - katod ray naychalari;
    VI - muayyan ziddiyatlar sozlash uchun elektron qurilmalar ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladigan lavhani, tanlash;
    KP - muayyan ziddiyatlar sozlash uchun elektron qurilmalar ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladigan lavhani sozlash;
    OP - muayyan ziddiyatlar sozlash uchun elektron qurilmalar ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladigan formular plastinka;
    AP - jadallashtirish keyin anod;
    AOK - manzili chalg'itish bobini;
    LCD - Suyuq kristallar katta va qo'shimcha keng ko'lamli integral mikrosxemalar ishlab chiqarishda ishlatiladi;
    TWT – yuguruvchi to'lqin lampasi;
    BWT – teskari to'lqin lampasi;
    PV – fokuslovchi elektrod ;
    IR - infraqizil nurlanish.
    REA - radio electronic equipment, often used in electronics;
    NC - nominal (par), each device used in the electronics industry has a nominal value which characterizes the operating range of a particular device;
    Durability - defined by that parameter degrades over time, i.e. its value reaches the minimum or the minimum;
    Maintainability - a property element characterizing its adaptability to the prevention, detection and elimination of failures;
    Persistence - this property elements remain operable during storage and transportation;
    Thermal resistance and cold resistance - characterized by limiting the minimum and maximum temperatures at which normal operation is still possible and there will be failures;
    Moisture - describes the ability of cells to withstand the impact of humidity;
    Radiation resistance - characterized by the ability to work under the influence of light or ionizing radiation;
    UHF - ultra-high frequency, the frequency of each device is characterized by a specific operating frequency, which determines the frequency range of the device;
    EMF - electromotive force, the force that acts on during the electric charges;

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