• Origin and Development of OpenFlow
  • What Is OpenFlow?

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    What Is OpenFlow
    1. Anketa (talabalar), 3-mavzu, conference, 12 labaratoriya ishi, Маълумотлар тузилмаси ва алгоритмлар узб, Abduvositaka, Saralash algoritmlari, Akademik yozuv 2 Omonboyev Rashidbek 12, kontakt hodisalar, golosariy, Operatsion tizimlar uz, 1 - lesson (internet), 2-маруза мавзуси Симулятор, dars tahlili, 6666666666666666666666666666666666666

    What Is OpenFlow?
    OpenFlow is a network communication protocol used between controllers and forwarders in an SDN architecture. The core idea of SDN is to separate the forwarding plane from the control plane. To achieve this, a communication standard must be built between controllers and forwarders to allow the controllers to directly access and control the forwarding plane of forwarders. OpenFlow introduces the concept of flow table, based on which forwarders forwards data packets. Controllers deploy flow tables on forwarders through OpenFlow interfaces, achieving control on the forwarding plane.

    Origin and Development of OpenFlow
    OpenFlow originated from the Clean Slate Program of Stanford University. This program considered how the Internet could be redesigned with a "clean slate", and aimed to change the network infrastructure that was slightly out of date and difficult to evolve. In 2006, Martin Casado, a student from Stanford University, led a project on network security and management. The project attempted to use a centralized controller to allow network administrators to easily define security control policies based on network flows and to apply these security policies to various network devices, thereby implementing security control over the entire network communication.
    Inspired by this project, professor Nick McKeown — the director of the Clean Slate Program — and his team found that if the data forwarding and routing control modules of traditional network devices were separated, a centralized controller could be used to manage and configure various network devices through standard interfaces. This would result in more possibilities for the design, management, and use of network resources, thereby facilitating network innovation and development. Therefore, they put forward the concept of OpenFlow and published a paper entitled "OpenFlow: Enabling Innovation in Campus Networks" in 2008, introducing the principles and application scenarios of OpenFlow in detail for the initial time.
    On the basis of OpenFlow, this team further proposed a concept of SDN in 2009, which attracted wide attention of the industry. In 2011, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, and other companies jointly set up the Open Networking Foundation (ONF) — an organization dedicated to promotion and adoption of SDN. The ONF defines OpenFlow as the first standard southbound communication interface between the control and forwarding layers in the SDN architecture, and standardizes OpenFlow.

    OpenFlow in the SDN architecture
    Since its first official version 1.0 released at the end of 2009, OpenFlow has evolved from versions 1.1, 1.2, 1.3, to the latest version 1.5. Currently, versions 1.0 and 1.3 of OpenFlow are most widely supported and applied.

    Evolution and major changes of OpenFlow versions

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