Windows Update Stand-alone Installer
The Windows Update Stand-alone Installer (Wusa.exe) provides the following improvements in Windows 7:
Uninstall support. Prior to Windows 7, wusa.exe included install support only. In Windows 7, wusa.exe includes uninstall support so that administrators can uninstall updates from a command line. Users can uninstall an update by providing the path to the .msu file or by providing the package number (from the Microsoft Knowledge Base) of the update to be uninstalled.
Use the following command to uninstall an update by specifying the full path to the update:
wusa.exe /uninstall
Use the following command to uninstall an update by specifying the update package number from the Microsoft Knowledge Base:
wusa.exe /uninstall /kb:
Additional command-line parameters. New parameters are available in Windows 7 to enable logging, extract the contents of an .msu file, and control the restart behavior when an update is installed in quiet mode.