• 21.11 Other WLAN Standards 755 Physical Layer Data Link Control (DLC) Layers Convergence Layer
  • Figure 21.19 Relation between logical and transport channels in HIPERLAN/2.
  • part is to segment packets received from the SSCS, and reassemble segmented

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    part is to segment packets received from the SSCS, and reassemble segmented 
    packets received from the data link control layer before they are handed over to 
    the SSCS. The Ethernet SSCS makes the HIPERLAN/2 network look like a wire-
    less segment of a switched Ethernet.
    HIPERLAN/2 supports two QoS schemes: the best effort scheme and IEEE 
    802.1p-based priority scheme. The connection-oriented nature of HIPERLAN/2 
    allows implementation of QoS. Each connection is assigned a specifi c QoS in 
    terms of bandwidth, delay, jitter, bit error rate, and so on. Also a simple approach 
    is used where each connection is assigned a priority level relative to other connec-
    tions. The QoS support with high data rate facilitates the transmission of many 
    different types of data streams, e.g., video, voice, and data.
    QoS in HIPERLAN/2
    Quality of service deals with the ability of a network to provide service for specifi c 
    network traffi c over various underlying wireline or wireless technologies. Com-
    pared to end-to-end IP network QoS, wireless network may provide QoS only 
    21.11 Other WLAN Standards 
    Physical Layer
    Data Link Control (DLC) Layers
    Convergence Layer
    Logical Channels
    Transport Channels
    RRC : Radio Resource Control
    ACF : Association Control Function
    DCC : DLC Connection Control
    EC : Error Control
    RLC : Radio Link Control
    MAC : Medium Access Control
    Figure 21.19 Relation between logical and transport channels in HIPERLAN/2.
    Ch21-P373580.indd 755
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    21 Wireless Local Area Networks
    for one or two hops of an end-to-end connection. The cellular radio access in the 
    BRAIN uses HIPERLAN/2 and supports QoS on a per connection basis.
    An IP convergence layer is used to provide the functions required for map-
    ping the QoS requirements of the individual connection to the QoS parameters 
    available in DLC connections. The convergence layer offers a QoS interface to 
    support different IP QoS schemes. By using IP QoS parameters, the convergence 
    layer establishes DLC connections in which IP QoS parameters are mapped into 
    DLC connections for priority, radio bandwidth reservation, appropriate ARQ 
    scheme, and handover strategy. This procedure is realized by mapping IP packets 
    into different DLC connection queues based on respective code point and desti-
    nation address fi elds. The convergence layer associates a specifi c link scheduling 
    priority, discarding time and/or bandwidth reservation to each DLC queue. The 
    convergence layer segments IP traffi c to fi xed length packets. The segmentation 
    and reassembly causes extra complexity in the convergence layer but enables a 
    better bandwidth reservation policy.
    MAC enables full rescheduling in every 2 ms and dynamically adjusts uplink 
    and downlink capacity. Radio link control (RLC) provides connection-oriented 
    secured link service to the convergence layer. There are up to 63 unicast data 
    connections per terminal that can be supported with various QoS parameters. 
    Error correction (EC) provides a selective repeat ARQ mode for each connection. 
    Alternatively, for delay intolerant and multicast services a repetition mode can be 
    used. Thus, DLC provides means for executing several IP QoS techniques such as 
    prioritizing, on-demand-based bandwidth reservation, and delay guarantee. DLC 
    also provides dynamic frequency selection (DFS), link adaptation, power control, 
    and power saving.
    The physical layer uses orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM) 
    to combat frequency selective fading and randomize the burst errors caused by a 
    wide band fading channel. There are seven modes with different coding and mod-
    ulation schemes available in physical layer; all of them can be adapted dynami-
    cally by a link adaptation scheme. There is a strong interaction between the PHY 
    modes, retransmission load and utilization of the radio link, delay, and overall 
    The OFDM transmits broadband, high data rate information by dividing the 
    data into several interleaved, parallel bit streams, and lets each one of them modu-
    late on a separate subcarrier. Various coding and modulation schemes are used 
    by a link adaptation mechanism. This is to adapt to current radio link quality 
    and meet the requirements for different physical layer properties as defi ned by 
    the transport channels within DLC. Table 21.15 provides the different PHY 
    modes and their transmission rates. The seven PHY modes use BPSK, QPSK, 
    and 16-QAM as mandatory subcarrier modulation schemes whereas 64-QAM 
    is optional. Forward error correction is performed by a convolutional code of a 
    rate of 1/2 and a constraint length of 7. Other code rates of 3/4 and 9/16 can be 
    obtained by puncturing.
    Ch21-P373580.indd 756
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    The DLC scheduling algorithm deals with the properties of the HIPERLAN/2 
    radio access that are dependent on ARQ and link adaptation. ARQ reacts on trans-
    mission errors and initiates retransmission. When the error check bit detects error(s) 
    in the transmission, ARQ sends a request for retransmission of the error packet 
    data unit (PDU). Thus, for a poor radio link, retransmission will cause large trans-
    mission delay. Selective repeat ARQ uses a transmission window at the transmitter 
    and receiver. The receiver notifi es the transmitter of the sequence number below 
    which all PDUs are received correctly and points out which PDU is not correct.
    Based on the current radio link conditions, the link adaptation in the DLC 
    layer assigns a specifi c PHY mode to the PDU dedicated to a connection. Each con-
    nection and its direction are addressed individually and the assignment varies from 
    one MAC frame to another. The link adaptation scheme adapts the PHY mode 
    based on link quality measurements. ARQ and link adaptation reduce packet loss 
    rate but introduce additional overhead and delay to the radio access system.
    Total system throughput, transmission delay, and bit error rate are the 
    important parameters in determining the performance of the HIPERLAN/2 radio 
    access. There is a strong interaction between PHY modes and these parameters. 
    The MAC protocol functions are used for organizing the access and 
    transmission of data on the radio link. Since HIPERLAN/2 uses a central resource 

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    part is to segment packets received from the SSCS, and reassemble segmented

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