• S tart Menu
  • W indows in Windows Title bar.
  • Minimize, Maximize, Close Buttons.
  • Task Pane.
  • W indow Buttons.
  • High-Tech Mouse Left Click.
  • P rinters and Other Hardware
  • Appearance and Themes. I nternet Explorer.
  • Remember – there is usually more than one way to do everything in Windows XP!
  • Windows xp – An Illustrated Guide

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    Illustrated Guide and Reference

    1. Press three keys simultaneously to display the login screen: Ctrl + Alt + Delete

    2. Enter your User name in the first field.
      Press the Tab key.

    3. Enter your Password in the next field.
      Press the Enter key or click OK.

    Desktop and Task Bar

    1. Desktop is the main area of the computer screen.

    2. Task Bar is the menu across the bottom of the screen (more about this later).

    3. Icons are shortcuts to accessing programs and tools (like the Recycle bin).

    Start Menu (on the task bar) is divided into several sections:

    1. Pinned items list is top left. Items used frequently can be added to this list. (Right-click on file or program icon. Select Pin to Start Menu.)

    2. Most often used items list is lower left (below Pinned list). Windows XP generates this list based on your use of programs.

    3. All Programs menu at bottom left sprouts a standard two column menu of every program that is installed on your computer.

    4. Components and features of Windows are listed in the right column.

    5. Shut down/Log off computer commands are on the Start Menu.

    My Computer opens a window to disk drives (storage areas) on your computer. Double-click the drive icon to access each disk. Please note--disk icons do not appear on the desktop!

    1. The Local Disk (C:) is the main storage area (like Macintosh HD). Most of the programs and files stored on the C: drive can be accessed through menus and shortcut icons.

    2. 3 ½ Floppy (A:) disk drive.

    3. The (D:) drive is the CD-RW or CD/DVD drive.

    My Documents is the default (automatic) folder/ location where documents will be saved. Folders can be created inside of My Documents to organize files.

    Windows in Windows

    1. Title bar. The top bar displays the name of the window (My Documents). Drag the title bar when you want to move the window around on your desktop.

    2. Minimize, Maximize, Close Buttons.
      Minimize hides the window and places a button on the Task Bar (at bottom of screen).
      Maximize enlarges the window to fill the screen.
      Close button closes the window.

    3. Menu bar. Click on a menu item to display the contents of that menu. Arrows indicate there are submenus available.

    4. Tool bar. Contains buttons for navigating through windows, searching and changing the way files are viewed.

    5. Task Pane. The left side of every window provides easy access to a variety of features.

    6. Single Window vs. Multiple Windows. When opening folders within a window, the XP version opens the folder within the same window. Use the back button to view the previous folder contents. When you need to copy or move items between windows, double-click on My Computer to open a second window.

    7. Window Buttons. Every time a window is opened, whether it’s a folder or a program, a button appears on the Task Bar. This makes it easy to switch between open programs and windows by clicking once on the button on the Task Bar. When several documents are opened in the same program, XP groups them into a single menu that sprouts from the program button.

    High-Tech Mouse

    1. Left Click. Use the left mouse button to do all the same things you did with a Mac mouse—click on buttons, highlight text, and move things around on the screen.

    2. Right Click. The right mouse button displays an additional menu of options, depending on what you’re right-clicking. For example, to create a new folder, right-click in the My Documents window, select NewFolder. To delete a document, right-click on it, select Delete. To create a desktop shortcut, select the item from the All Programs list and right click on it. Select Send to  Desktop (create shortcut).

    Control Panel

    1. Printers and Other Hardware.
      Find out what printer(s) your computer is set to by clicking on this feature. Right click on a printer to set it as the default (shows a check mark).

    2. Appearance and Themes.

    1. Internet Explorer. Set your browser homepage under the Tools Menu, Internet Options. Click the Programs tab to make sure FirstClass is the automatic email program used when in Explorer.


    1. Pop-up Tooltip. Rest the mouse on any icon or button and a pop-up tooltip helps you identify what you’re pointing to.

    1. Right-Click on any item to view it’s properties or get more information about it.

    1. Keyboard Shortcuts. The Command (Apple) key is replaced by the Control (Ctrl) key. Use this key to do a quick save (Ctrl + S), copy (Ctrl + C), paste (Ctrl + V), etc. Shortcuts are listed on menu items where they apply.

    1. Remember – there is usually more than one way to do everything in Windows XP!

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    Windows xp – An Illustrated Guide

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