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  • Шамсиддинов Ф. А. Узбекистан, Навгпи

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    Fazik 2021 maqola
    12-modul. Yog‘ochga ishlov berish texnologiyasi . Duradgorlikning xalq, Elektron tijorat, TAT ochiq dars, 103, 3-kurs o\'quv amaliyoti dasturi, bildirish, Maqsadli ko`rsatkich, Boltayev Ruslan, Raxmatova Xumora 4z guruh mustaqil, 1 biologiya, avtoreferat, 2-kurs o\'quv amaliyoti dasturi, Статья Сувонова О О, Academic-Data-353211105300

    Инновационный подход в обучении информатики как основа формирования профессиональной компетентности учителя.

    Шамсиддинов Ф.А.
    Узбекистан, НавГПИ.
    Annotatsiya: Maqolada o'qituvchining kasbiy malakasini shakllantirish bo'yicha uslubiy tizimning istiqbolli rivojlanishi ko'rib chiqilgan va xulosa qilinganki, bugungi kunda pedagogik dizayn o'qituvchining qo'lida kuchli vosita bo'lib, bu sizga pedagogik muammoni hal qilish uchun loyiha yaratishga va amalga oshirishga imkon beradi.
    Kalit so'zlar: Informatika, ta'limni axborotlashtirish, axborot texnologiyalari, kompetensiya.
    Аннотация: В работе рассматривается перспективная разработка методической системы формирования профессиональной компетентности учителя и сделан вывод о том, что педагогическое проектирование сегодня - это мощный инструментарий в руках педагога, позволяющий создать и реализовать проект решения педагогической задачи.
    Ключевые слова: Информатика, информатизация образования, информационные технологии, компетентность.
    Abstract: The paper discusses a promising development of a methodological system for the formation of a teacher's professional competence and concludes that pedagogical design today is a powerful toolkit in the hands of a teacher, allowing you to create and implement a project for solving a pedagogical problem.
    Key words: Informatics, informatization of education, information technologies, competence.

    In modern Uzbekistan, the problem of reforming the system of improving the quality of training of specialists is becoming more acute, which is associated with new social needs caused by the entry of the state into market relations.

    Historically, it was education that became one of the first areas of informatization of society, designed to form a new information culture of a person – a person who is able to work in the conditions of the introduction of information technologies, informatization of all spheres of human activity.
    The decisive role in the implementation of the informatization of education belongs to the teacher, first of all, to the computer scientist. Currently, there is already a lot of pedagogical research aimed at developing individual aspects or components of the system of training teachers of computer science and other specialties in the field of computer science and the use of information technologies. However, there are practically no studies systematically covering the main components of professional training of future teachers in the field of ICT application in educational practice in the context of informatization of education[1,2].
    I would like to note that graduates are versatile specialists who work in schools, universities, and also practically, in their daily professional work, they are faced with a large amount of work, etc., i.e., the information flow.
    The new educational goals are based on the priority of the human personality, the development of which should become the main value and the most important result of education. These new guidelines of the education system are manifested in various directions of its development: the construction of a system of continuous education, the emergence of alternative forms of learning, the development of new approaches to the formation of educational content, create a new educational environment, etc. In such conditions, the issue of improving the content of methodological training of the future teacher of computer science is becoming increasingly relevant. In addition, there are still unsolved problems that reduce the effectiveness of the introduction of ICT, among which, first of all, it should be noted that the theory and practice of using information technologies in training lag behind the pace of development of computer hardware and software[3,4].
    These factors confirm the need to improve the training content of the future computer science teacher, review the existing technologies of his methodological training in the pedagogical university. In addition, modern approaches to the content and organization of higher pedagogical education in a new way raise the question of the criteria for the readiness of the individual for pedagogical activity.
    In theoretical terms, the basics of professional readiness of the future teacher are covered in the works of domestic researchers A. A. Abdukodirova, M. H. Allambergenova, M. M. Aripov, A.D. Askarov, U. S. Begimkulov, R. H. Juraev, F. I. Zakirova, M. H. Lutfillaev, N. A. Muslimov, M. Sugat, N. I. Tailakov, etc.
    As well as the issues of forming the content of training of future teachers of Informatics, his readiness to use ICT in professional and pedagogical activity, updated, methodology and methods of teaching Informatics in pedagogical universities are investigated in the works of foreign scientists M. I. Bashmakov, G. A. Mordovskogo, G. G. Vorob'eva, N. And.Gandini, A. P. Ershov, E. S. Polat, V. G. Razumovskiy, V. A. Dallinger, T. V. Dobudko, I. V. Robert, O. Erstad, O. by Jennifer and others.
    From all the variety of system-forming factors that determine the relevance of the issue of the effectiveness of the process of training computer science specialists in the formation of professional information and technological competence, the fundamental factor is identified-the organizational and methodological support of the educational process. The structure of this factor, along with the development of a system of internal regulations, variable curricula in accordance with the state standard and the choice of the student's educational trajectory, is determined by: updating work programs; optimization of the educational process, the formation of an innovative integrative educational environment[5,6]. Today, innovations in education consist in the introduction of new goals, content, methods and forms of training and education, in the organization of joint activities of teachers and students; changes in the style of professional pedagogical thinking. The term we use in the educational environment: innovation activity-refers to the process aimed at implementing the results of completed research and development. This term was introduced by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Uzbekistan "On the State strategy for 2017-2021".
    Thus, we have developed an adaptive model of teaching computer science, based on the study and consideration of individual and personal characteristics of computer science students (conducting surveys, interviews, questionnaires) and aimed at the formation of information technology competence of future specialists. The article substantiates the structure and criteria for evaluating the process of forming professional information and technological competence, identifies the factors that affect the quality of education and their structure, and identifies the pedagogical conditions that contribute to its successful formation.
    Therefore, it can be noted that there are a number of factors that indicate the need to improve the content of training of future computer science teachers, including •

    • * the discrepancy between the level of training of computer science teachers and the requirements put forward by modern society to the education system;

    * lack of comprehensive psychological and pedagogical research that substantiates the pedagogical possibilities of ICT in teaching and the need for integrated use of ICT in teacher training;
    the lack of a system of objective criteria and methods of monitoring and evaluation that diagnose the quality of professional training and readiness for pedagogical activity of a computer science teacher.
    According to many scientists, innovative educational technologies should be focused on the formation of systematic creative thinking of students, their ability to generate non-standard ideas when solving educational, practical or creative tasks, which in turn is a formative factor of professional competence of future specialists. At the same time, the main requirement for the modernization of education is the transition from an informative learning model to a developing one, which involves the formation of students not only subject knowledge, but also the ability to independently acquire them[3].
    In addition, due to the constantly changing picture of the technical equipment of the educational institution with computers and IT tools, there is a wide variety of software in which the computer science teacher should easily navigate. Thus, during the time of studying at the university, the future teacher of computer science needs to form subject competencies in the field of information technology.
    In order to form a subject competence, it is necessary to solve the following training tasks: training in working with operating systems; with computer software, with information and communication computer technologies, including text processing systems, numeric tables, graphs, databases, integrated environments, the Internet, etc.

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    Шамсиддинов Ф. А. Узбекистан, Навгпи

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