• Origins When you hear the word “hacker”
  • The first modern computer, was brought online in 1945, cybersecurity

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    When ENIAC, the first modern computer, was brought online in 1945, cybersecurity wasn’t a word you could find in the dictionary. The only way to interact with the building-sized computers of the era was to be physically present, so virtual threats weren’t a risk, and access control was a matter of physical security.
    Cybersecurity developed as a distinct field throughout the 1960s and 70s and exploded into the public consciousness in the late 1980s, after a series of events that highlighted just how dangerous a lack of security could be. Continuing to grow throughout the 90s, cybersecurity is now a core part of modern life. Let’s explore the brief history of this field!
    When you hear the word “hacker”, you probably think of a mysterious individual sitting alone in a dark room, watching information scroll by on multiple windows as they conduct nefarious deeds.

    The media often takes creative liberties when depicting hackers. It may surprise you to learn that the origin of the ‘modern hacker’ was a counterculture of people tinkering with technology or finding new ways of sharing information. Hacking is not innately tied to breaking into computers. In fact, an early instance of hacking in 1963 involved hacking a phone system to make long-distance calls for free. Hacking is the act of working within the confines of a system to produce unintended behavior. That behavior ranges from cracking passwords to saving a spaceship’s air system using spare parts.
    The 1960’s
    The more connected we are, the more important cybersecurity is, and the widespread adoption of time-sharing in the 60s was a big increase in connectivity. Computers of the era were expensive and bulky; timesharing let multiple people use a single large computer at the same time, which meant that precautions were needed to prevent unauthorized access to files and to the computer itself. Computing time was expensive in those days! The solution of protecting accounts with passwords has persisted to modern times.

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    The first modern computer, was brought online in 1945, cybersecurity

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