1.2-ma’ruza. Kompyuter tarmoqlarining standart texnologiyalari.
IEEE 802 (IEEE 802.3, 802.11, 802.15, 802.16) texnologiyalari, standartlar va
Tarmoqlarni loyihalashda qo‟llanilayotgan zamonaviy dasturlar.
Tarmoqlarning asosiy elementlari va kompyuterlarning tashkiliy qismlari.
Kalit so’zlar:
OSI, ochiq tizim (open systems), interconnection, spetsifikatsiya
(specification), dasturiy komponent (software component), standart (standard),
dasturiy mahsulot (software), standartlashtirish (standardization), NetWare, OPEN,
driver, interface, ODI, tarmoq adapter drayveri (network adapter driver), tarmoq
(network), Internet, comment, RFC, so’rov (request), dasturiy ta’minot (software),
modullik (modularity), kommunikatsion protokollar (communication protocols),
tarmoq adapteri (network adapter), kompyuter tarmoqlari (computer networks),
takrorlovchi (repeater), konfiguratsiyalash (configuring), IBM, protokollar steki
(protocol stack), DECnet, equipping, ATM, atm forum, Fast Ethernet, FDDI, ANSI,
NCSC, ITU, kanallar kommutatsiyasi, frame relay, N-ISDN, PC, Ethernet, digital,
intel, ieee 802.x, ISO, xalqaro standartlashtirish tashkiloti, International
Organization for Standardization, ISO, international standard, self-organizing, stek
(stack), International Telecommunications Union, ITU, e-consulting, international,
AND, telephony, CCITT, telecommunications, standardization, sector, navbat
(queue), telefon tarmog’i (telephone network), paketli kommutatsiyali tarmoq
(packet-switched network), Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, IEEE,
ishchi guruh (working group), lohal hisoblash tarmog’i (local area network), guruh
(group), Ethernet tarmog’I (Ethernet network), Token Ring, ArcNet, European
Computer Manufacturers Association, ECMA, Computer and Business Equipment
Manufacturers Association, CBEMA, ECMA, Electronic Industries Association, EIA,
Wi-Fi, WiMAX.