• Fourth
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    How is this different from the first conditional?
    This kind of conditional sentence is different from the first conditional because this is a lot more unlikely.
    For example (second conditional): If I had enough money I would buy a house with twenty bedrooms and a swimming pool (I'm probably not going to have this much money, it's just a dream, not very real).
    But (first conditional): If I have enough money, I'll buy some new shoes (It's much more likely that I'll have enough money to buy some shoes).
    Fourth type of conditionals( Third conditionals).
    When do we use the third conditional?
    The third conditional is used to express the past consequence of an unrealistic action or situation in the past.
    For example:

    • If he had studied harder, he would have passed the exam.

    The first action (studying hard) did not happen. But in the case that he happened, the consequence was passing the exam. The third conditional is very similar to the second conditional. But while the second conditional refers to something unrealistic now or in the future, the third conditional refers to something unrealistic in the past.
    We often use the third conditional to express regrets – describing things we are sorry happened or didn’t happen. For example,

    • If my alarm had gone off, I wouldn’t have been late to work.

    • If there hadn’t been so much traffic we wouldn’t have missed our flight.

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