• 2. Choose the correct words.
  • 3. Complete the questions and short answers using the correct form of there is or there are.
  • 4. Circle the best answer for these sentences. We’re going to play tennis this
  • 1. Write affirmative sentences using there is or there are

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    ingliz tili

    1. Write affirmative sentences using there is or there are.

    1. There are five shops.

    2. There are a lot of restaurants.

    3. There is a building.

    4. There are some parks.

    5. There is a library.

    6. There is a bus station.

    7. There is a sports centre.

    2. Choose the correct words.

    1. There is a TV.

    2. There are four chairs in the living room.

    3. Are there any windows in the kitchen?

    4. Is there a teacher in the classroom?

    5. There aren’t any pencils on the table.

    6. There isn’t any milk in the fridge.

    7. Is there a bookcase?

    3. Complete the questions and short answers using the correct form of there is or there are.

    1. Is there a tree in this park? No, there isn’t.

    2. Is there an internet café in your city? Yes, there is.

    3. Are there any hospitals near here? No, there aren’t.

    4. Are there any buildings next to your school? Yes, there are.

    5. Is there a shop in this street? No, there isn’t.

    6. Is there a cinema in your town? Yes, there is.

    7. Are there any students in the school? No, there aren’t.

    4. Circle the best answer for these sentences.

    1. We’re going to play tennis this morning.

    2. Shall I wear this shirt or that one?

    3. Can I have a look at those trousers?

    4. Let’s go to that new club in the centre.

    5.Write the word to fill the gaps. Use this / that / these / those.

    1. I’m really busy this morning.

    2. That cake you made last week was delicious.

    3. Let me introduce you. Sue, this is Tom.

    4. I’m going to take back these shoes I bought last week.

    5. Are you going to watch this DVD with us?

    6. First you need to chop up those tomatoes over there.

    7. Hello, this is Nick speaking.

    8. Yes, that’s right. I completely agree with you.


    1. The film was boring so I left the cinema.

    2. The boy wasn’t scared because the dog didn’t look very dangerous.

    3. Some sentences are sometimes very confusing.

    4. My neighbor is always interested in listening to my jokes.

    5. Lawrence isn’t an amazing person.

    6. Josephine was surprised when she got the job.

    7. The festival is next Saturday and I feel excited.

    8. It was a frightening experience for all of us.

    9. The situation was really scaring.

    10. Julio was very annoyed yesterday afternoon.

    11. She was upset. It has been a very frustrating day.

    12. I don’t like George because he is boring.

    13. You must see this film. It is very entertaining.

    14. The roller coaster wasn’t exciting for them.

    15. My boyfriend was very disappointed when he failed the exam.

    16. Lorena, the golfer, said it was a disappointing situation when she ended up in the pool.

    17. He forgot his wallet. He told me that it was an embarrassing moment when he realized that he had no money with him.

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    1. Write affirmative sentences using there is or there are

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