• 1-rasm.
  • Figure 1. 8 - digit word length _ has 64 Kbytes basic memory . This basic in memory cells addresses value 0000

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    Figure 1. 8 - digit word length _ has 64 Kbytes basic memory .
    This basic in memory cells addresses value 0000 and FFFF each change possible .
    Basic of memory general size 64 Kbytes (FFFF - 16 bits, 2 16 = 65536 bytes ).
    now such volume memories - removable on computers , ie in controllers used .
    Usually basic memory addresses are numbered 16 in the system represented by
    1-rasm. 8-razryadli so‘z uzunligiga ega 64 Kbaytli asosiy xotira.
    Ushbu asosiy xotirada yacheykalar adreslarining qiymati 0000 dan FFFF gacha o‘zgarishi mumkin.
    Asosiy xotiraning umumiy xajmi 64 Kbayt (FFFF – 16 bit, 216=65536 bayt).
    Hozirda bunday hajmli xotiralar – o‘rnatiladigan kompyuterlarda, ya’ni kontrollerlarda ishlatilmoqda.
    Odatda asosiy xotira adreslari 16-lik sanoq sistemasida ifodalanadi.
    word in Figure 2 length is equal to 32 degrees which was basic memory described .
    Such word length has memories , Pentium processors installed on computers used .
    Them cells addresses 0000 0000 and FFFF FFFF until change possible .
    Of memory general size 4 GB (FFFF FFFF - 32 bits, 2 32 = 4294967296 bytes ).
    The word in length 32-bit memories bytes from the right left or from left To the right depending on placement possible .
    Figure 2. Word to the 32nd category length has , bytes reverse in order placed 4 GB basic memory
    2-rasmda so‘z uzunligi 32-razryadga teng bo‘lgan asosiy xotira tasvirlangan.
    Bunday so‘z uzunligiga ega xotiralar, Pentium protsessorlari o‘rnatilgan kompyuterlarda ishlatilmoqda.
    Ularda yacheykalarning adreslari 0000 0000 dan FFFF FFFF gacha o‘zgarishi mumkin.
    Xotiraning umumiy xajmi 4 Gbayt (FFFF FFFF – 32 bit, 232= 4294967296 bayt).
    So‘z uzunligi 32-razryadli xotiralarda baytlar o‘ngdan chapga yoki chapdan o‘ngga qarab joylashtirilishi mumkin.
    2-rasm. 32-razryadga so‘z uzunligiga ega, baytlari teskari tartibda joylashtirilgan 4 Gbaytli asosiy xotira
    Figure 2 listed with a Pentium processor in memory on computers as , bytes to the right left depending on placed .
    These bytes reverse in order is called placement ( rus in the language - obratnыy poryadok sledovaniya bytes ).
    In Figure 3 bytes right in order placed memory drawing listed .
    It 's kind of memory bytes right in order placed called memory ( Russian ) In the language - pryamoy poryadok sledovaniya bytes ) and it belongs to the SPAR S family mansub processors has which was on servers used .

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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Figure 1. 8 - digit word length _ has 64 Kbytes basic memory . This basic in memory cells addresses value 0000

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