• Voice Recognition Module V3
  • Arduino
  • 2020 Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino

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    BORLIQ VA YO\'QLIK TUSHUNCHALARNING UMUMIY VA O\'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARINI O\'ZARO ALOQADORLIK JIHATLARI, 1684899273, 1-kursDars jadvali Qarzdor (8) (4), талабнома шартномани бекор килиш тугрисида , diplom taqriz, MULOHAZA

    Literature Review

    1. Voice Command

    Voice command is control of electronic devices that is carried out through commands given to the system using the voice of the system user. Control using voice is a control that is in great demand today in smart home systems. This is because the operation of the system is very easy and does not require a lot of power, which is the main reason voice commands are suitable for smart home systems. This voice command consists of voice recognition and speech recognition with the speaker, for example by using a series resistor. The exact value of the resistor depends on the sensitivity of the headphones and the desired output volume (usually in the order of 1- 10kΩ).
    Software that can be used to connect the EasyVR module to a PC is EasyVR Commander. There is also SonicNet software that can be used to wirelessly connect the EasyVR module to a PC.

        1. Voice Recognition Module V3

    Voice recognition module V3 is a voice recognition module that can be used in voice recognition. This module has the ability to accommodate a maximum of 80 voice commands with a maximum of 7 voice commands that can be used at the same time. Each voice command can be given in 1500ms, which is one or two words.
    This module has a voltage of 4.5-5.5V with a current of less than 40mA. The digital interface is a 5V TTL level for the UART interface and the GPIO, while the analog interface is a 3.5mm mono-channel microphone connector and a microphone pin interface. The size of this module is 31mm x 50mm with a speech recognition accuracy of 99% when used in ideal conditions.

        1. Arduino

    Arduino is an electronic device designed to facilitate the use of electronics in various fields in the form of an open- source single-board micro controller. Arduino uno is one of the Arduino products with an ATMega328 microcontroller. This tool is used to realize electronic circuits ranging from simple to complex.
    In its use, Arduino is combined with Integrated Development Environment (IDE) software. IDE is a program that can be used in designing or sketching programs for Arduino boards. Arduino source code is made using the C programming language called sketch. Sketch that has been completed in the IDE can be immediately decompiled to find out where the program
    error is. If the program has no errors then the program can be uploaded directly to the Arduino board.

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    2020 Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino

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