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  • 2020 Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino

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    BORLIQ VA YO\'QLIK TUSHUNCHALARNING UMUMIY VA O\'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARINI O\'ZARO ALOQADORLIK JIHATLARI, 1684899273, 1-kursDars jadvali Qarzdor (8) (4), талабнома шартномани бекор килиш тугрисида , diplom taqriz, MULOHAZA

    Voice Command

    The differences in research that was conducted were at the voice command used, namely using voice
    recognition or speech recognition. Researchers used voice commands in the form of voice recognition with the hope that the smart home prototype being developed can have a better level of security. This is because voice recognition identifies the user's voice based on intonation, accent, or speech style according to the stored voice. So that if other users given orders to the smart home, the system will not function like research conducted in reference [3], [6], [7], [8], [9], [10], [11],
    [12], [13], [14], [15]. Meanwhile, researchers in reference [4] and [5] chose to used speech recognition because researchers focused more on developing research on the success of the system in capturing words uttered by users due to each accent. different regions, testing the sensitivity of the system better in which language, or testing whether the system could recognize words that do not match the structure of the language.

      1. Hardware Used

    The difference in the research conducted also were at the choice of hardware used by researchers in voice control or microcontrollers. The voice control module that can be used was the EasyVR module or the voice recognition module. This module was mostly chosen by researchers. But there were researchers in reference [9],
    [11] who used applications developed on Android connected by bluetooth. As for the microcontroller, most researchers used Arduino Uno and others used Arduino Nano, Arduino raspberry pi3 (Arbaus and Aryani) and wemos (Prakoso). Arduino Uno has been chosen because it maked it very easy in rapid prototyping, trial and error, the upload process is faster, and safer because it had an internal regulator and fuse. Meanwhile, raspberry pi3 is used because it can be used in projects involving high- level software using the widely known C language, and wemos is used because it had ESP-8266-based Wireless Fidelity (Wifi) which makes it easier to develop devices that used Wifi.
    Remote voice control is done by combining software that can be developed on Android and connected with a Bluetooth module or a NodeMCU module. Control that adds a bluetooth module can be carried out in an intermediate distance with a maximum distance of 10 meters. The drawback was that if there is a barrier, it can make the system unable to catch the command given. Meanwhile, control that adds a NodeMCU module can be done from anywhere with an internet connection. The drawback was that if the internet speed was low, the system couldnot catch the command given.

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    2020 Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino

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