• 2020 Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino

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    BORLIQ VA YO\'QLIK TUSHUNCHALARNING UMUMIY VA O\'ZIGA XOS XUSUSIYATLARINI O\'ZARO ALOQADORLIK JIHATLARI, 1684899273, 1-kursDars jadvali Qarzdor (8) (4), талабнома шартномани бекор килиш тугрисида , diplom taqriz, MULOHAZA

    3.7 Factors

    Factors that could affect the sound-based control system include clear pronunciation, sound pitch, microphone distance, sound source, intonation and noise level. If there was a change in the sound, the system would not work. This was because the voice is not identified in the database that had been created. Whereas in remote control, things that needed to be considered when using bluetooth are distance, obstacles, and signal strength. If you used an internet network, you needed to pay attention to the internet speed level. The greater the internet speed, the greater the success rate.


    The results of the study conducted by reviewing journals as described can be concluded that the design and implementation that has been done using voice commands in the form of voice recognition and speech recognition can facilitate human activities in everyday life. Control automation can be applied to a smart home by controlling electronic devices such as lights, fans, TVs, air conditioners and so on which are based on voice commands. It can also be applied as a security system such as automatic door control. In addition, the application of voice commands can also be applied to smart hospital rooms such as controlling the patient's bed in the hospital and assisting in calling for nurses. It can also help users with disabilities such as moving a wheelchair and printing documents converted to braille.


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    225, Desember
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    2020 Automatic Control Based on Voice Commands and Arduino

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