9 Subject. Interruption mode, interruptions again performance algorithms. 9-Mavzu. Uzilish rejimi, uzilishlarni qayta ishlash algoritmlari
bet | 2/10 | Sana | 04.07.2024 | Hajmi | 319,4 Kb. | | #266583 |
Bog'liq RGqpeVcTGrACPEqq2WlPDTbgx7NbOwBBfRKOuADM(1)Software interruptions
INT n instruction ( n - delay number ) using desired 0..255 numbered interrupt yield to do possible . Such interruptions called programming . _ The flag IF bit of the register condition software interruptions Create opportunity effect does not .
Dasturiy uzilishlar
INT n ko’rsatmasi (n – uzilish nomeri) yordamida istalgan 0..255 nomerli uzilishni xosil qilish mumkin. Bunday uzilishlar dasturiy deb nomlaniladi. Bayroq registrining IF biti holati dasturiy uzilishlarini yaratish imkoniyatiga ta’sir qilmaydi.
Interruption of the system purpose - Exposure internal and external events which was relationship .
Interruption special operations formed reach with provided .
Interruption operation - current of the program completion finish and processor yield which was delay cause service seeker of the program to be completed transition .
Interruption service as shown then stopped _ application suspended out of place from to be continued reach need _
That's it for application when it is stopped again restore for necessary which was all information save need ( processor status ).
Such information of the process situation vector _ _ acceptance made . It is the processor condition about information own into takes - that is , the processor word status , last commands the result signs - special characters stored in the registry ( BR ) flags , and general stored in registers (UIR) process variables values . Process condition vectorini save for usually stack as formed of TX _ special from the field used .
Machine in the language commands general formats and types
Uzilish tizimining maqsadi – EHM ichki va tashqi hodisalarga bo’lgan munosabatidir.
Uzilish maxsus operatsiyalarni tashkil etish bilan ta’minlangan.
Uzilish operatsiyasi – joriy dasturning bajarilishini tugatish va protsessorni xosil bo’lgan uzilish sababiga xizmat qiluvchi dasturning bajarilishiga o’tishidir.
Uzilishga xizmat ko’rsatilgandan so’ng, to’xtatilgan dastur to’xtatilgan joyidan boshlab davom etishi kerak.
Buning uchun dastur to’xtatilayotda, uni qayta tiklash uchun zarur bo’lgan barcha ma’lumotlarni saqlash kerak (protsessor holati).
Bunday ma’lumotlarni jarayonning holat vektori deb atash qabul qilingan. U protsessorning holati to’g’risidagi ma’lumotlarni o’z ichiga oladi – ya’ni, protsessorning so’z holati, oxirgi buyruqlar natija belgilari – maxsus belgilar registrida (BR) saqlanayotgan bayroqlar, hamda umumishlov registrlarida (UIR) saqlanayotgan jarayon o’zgaruvchilar qiymatlari. Jarayon holati vektorini saqlash uchun odatda stek sifatida tashkil etilgan TX ning maxsus sohasidan foydaniladi.
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9 Subject. Interruption mode, interruptions again performance algorithms. 9-Mavzu. Uzilish rejimi, uzilishlarni qayta ishlash algoritmlari