9 Subject. Interruption mode, interruptions again performance algorithms. 9-Mavzu. Uzilish rejimi, uzilishlarni qayta ishlash algoritmlari
bet | 4/10 | Sana | 04.07.2024 | Hajmi | 319,4 Kb. | | #266583 |
Bog'liq RGqpeVcTGrACPEqq2WlPDTbgx7NbOwBBfRKOuADM(1)Interruption process or delay signal on , or delay commands on ( for IBM PC ) this command INT N, this where N is the delay number ) to work falls .
Interruption signals formation on The reasons are different kind of and internal and to outsiders divided into
External reasons - this is outside the computer happen to be events ( e.g. external _ devices ) ,, data connected from another exposure, from a timer time signals and hk
Internal reasons - it 's a computer in happen to be events . Them two type arrange you can :
- calculation processes to be continued push impossible or meaningless which was reasons ( filled cut , wrong code , incorrect address and others );
- normal causes , calculation processes for natural ( input / output processes usually interruptions used , the system resources appeal to do ).
Uzilish jarayoni yoki uzilish signali bo’yicha, yoki uzilish buyruqlari bo’yicha (IBM PC uchun bu buyruq INT N, bu yerda N – uzilish nomeri) ishga tushadi.
Uzilish signallarini shakllantirish bo’yicha sabablar, turli xil va ichki va tashqilarga bo’linadi.
Tashqi sabablar – bu EHM dan tashqarida sodir bo’ladigan hodisalar (masalan, tashqi qurilmalarda),, ma’lumotlarga ulangan boshqa EHM dan, taymerdan vaqt signallari va h.k.
Ichki sabablar – bu EHM ning ichida sodir bo’ladigan hodisalar. Ularni ikki turga ajratish mumkin:
- hisoblash jarayonlarini davom ettirish imkonsiz yoki ma’nosiz bo’lgan sabablar (to’lib ketish, not’g’ri kod, noto’g’ri adres va boshqalar);
- normal sabablar, hisoblash jarayonlari uchun tabiiy (kiritish/chiqarish jarayonlari odatda uzilishlardan foydaniladi, tizim resurslariga murojaat qilish).
Input / output devices delay signals , device information exchange ready when is selected .
This delay signal current application stops and KChQ of information registers or buffer memory with and the TX cell or processor between registers (UIR) information exchange I provide special again performance software to work lowers . This is I / O method usually TQ (printer, keyboard and others ) _ service show for used .
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Bosh sahifa
9 Subject. Interruption mode, interruptions again performance algorithms. 9-Mavzu. Uzilish rejimi, uzilishlarni qayta ishlash algoritmlari