Interruptions operation computer _ by formed are given and following actions to do collected
bet | 3/10 | Sana | 04.07.2024 | Hajmi | 319,4 Kb. | | #266583 |
Bog'liq RGqpeVcTGrACPEqq2WlPDTbgx7NbOwBBfRKOuADM(1)Interruptions operation computer _ by formed are given and following actions to do collected :
- Current application completion is stopped . Delay , rule according to the program current command over then instead is increased .
- Next command do does not start , i.e. it is blocked .
- Processor condition about information saved - the next command address , result signs , masks and _ _ _ hk information .
- Management this delay cause service do special again performance - to the program transmitted . He interrupted again performance for all actions does _
Uzilishlar operatsiyasi EHM apparati tomonidan tashkil etiladi va quyidagi harakatlarni bajarishga yig’ilgan:
- Joriy dastur bajarilishi to’xtatiladi. Uzilish, qoida bo’yicha, dasturning joriy buyrug’I tugagandan keyin amalga oshiriladi.
- Keyingi buyruqni bajarish boshlanmaydi, yani u bloklanadi.
- Protsessor holati haqidagi ma’lumotlar saqlanadi – keying buyruq adresi, natija belgilari, niqoblar (maskalar) va h.k. ma’lumotlar.
- Boshqaruv ushbu uzilish sababiga xizmat qiladigan maxsus qayta ishlash – dasturiga uzatiladi. U uzilishni qayta ishlash uchun barcha harakatlarni bajaradi.
Interruptions again performance of the program usual structure following sections own into takes :
- delay signal on being performed application stop ;
- suspended application used UIR and processor current condition about storage of data (RP register ) in TX ;
- interruptions mos application through again performance ;
- TX and processor condition about saved information and UIR _ recovery ;
- suspended application completion restore _
Uzilishlarni qayta ishlash dasturining odatiy tuzilishi quyidagi bo’limlarni o’z ichiga oladi:
- uzilish signali bo’yicha bajarilayotgan dasturni to’xtatish;
- to’xtatilgan dastur foydalanilgan UIR va protsessorning joriy holati xaqidagi ma’lumotlar (RP registr) TX da saqlash;
- uzilishlarni mos dastur orqali qayta ishlash;
- TX dan protsessor holati xaqida saqlangan ma’lumotlarni va UIR ni tiklash;
- to’xtatilgan dastur bajarilishini tiklash.
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