Atomic habits

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Atomic habits
Every behavior has a surface level craving and a deeper, underlying motive.
I often have a craving that goes something like this: “I want to eat tacos.” If
you were to ask me why I want to eat tacos, I wouldn’t say, “Because I need
food to survive.” But the truth is, somewhere deep down, I am motivated to
eat tacos because I have to eat to survive. The underlying motive is to
obtain food and water even if my specific craving is for a taco.
Some of our underlying motives include:
Conserve energy
Obtain food and water
Find love and reproduce

Connect and bond with others
Win social acceptance and approval
Reduce uncertainty
Achieve status and prestige
A craving is just a specific manifestation of a deeper underlying motive.
Your brain did not evolve with a desire to smoke cigarettes or to check
Instagram or to play video games. At a deep level, you simply want to
reduce uncertainty and relieve anxiety, to win social acceptance and
approval, or to achieve status.
Look at nearly any product that is habit-forming and you’ll see that it
does not create a new motivation, but rather latches onto the underlying
motives of human nature.
Find love and reproduce = using Tinder
Connect and bond with others = browsing Facebook
Win social acceptance and approval = posting on Instagram
Reduce uncertainty = searching on Google
Achieve status and prestige = playing video games
Your habits are modern-day solutions to ancient desires. New versions of
old vices. The underlying motives behind human behavior remain the same.
The specific habits we perform differ based on the period of history.
Here’s the powerful part: there are many different ways to address the
same underlying motive. One person might learn to reduce stress by
smoking a cigarette. Another person learns to ease their anxiety by going
for a run. Your current habits are not necessarily the best way to solve the
problems you face; they are just the methods you learned to use. Once you
associate a solution with the problem you need to solve, you keep coming
back to it.
Habits are all about associations. These associations determine whether
we predict a habit to be worth repeating or not. As we covered in our
discussion of the 1st Law, your brain is continually absorbing information
and noticing cues in the environment. Every time you perceive a cue, your

brain runs a simulation and makes a prediction about what to do in the next
Cue: You notice that the stove is hot.
Prediction: If I touch it I’ll get burned, so I should avoid touching it.
Cue: You see that the traffic light turned green.
Prediction: If I step on the gas, I’ll make it safely through the intersection
and get closer to my destination, so I should step on the gas.
You see a cue, categorize it based on past experience, and determine the
appropriate response.
This all happens in an instant, but it plays a crucial role in your habits
because every action is preceded by a prediction. Life feels reactive, but it
is actually predictive. All day long, you are making your best guess of how
to act given what you’ve just seen and what has worked for you in the past.
You are endlessly predicting what will happen in the next moment.
Our behavior is heavily dependent on these predictions. Put another way,
our behavior is heavily dependent on how we interpret the events that
happen to us, not necessarily the objective reality of the events themselves.
Two people can look at the same cigarette, and one feels the urge to smoke
while the other is repulsed by the smell. The same cue can spark a good
habit or a bad habit depending on your prediction. The cause of your habits
is actually the prediction that precedes them.
These predictions lead to feelings, which is how we typically describe a
craving—a feeling, a desire, an urge. Feelings and emotions transform the
cues we perceive and the predictions we make into a signal that we can
apply. They help explain what we are currently sensing. For instance,
whether or not you realize it, you are noticing how warm or cold you feel
right now. If the temperature drops by one degree, you probably won’t do
anything. If the temperature drops ten degrees, however, you’ll feel cold
and put on another layer of clothing. Feeling cold was the signal that
prompted you to act. You have been sensing the cues the entire time, but it
is only when you predict that you would be better off in a different state that
you take action.
A craving is the sense that something is missing. It is the desire to change
your internal state. When the temperature falls, there is a gap between what

your body is currently sensing and what it wants to be sensing. This gap
between your current state and your desired state provides a reason to act.
Desire is the difference between where you are now and where you want
to be in the future. Even the tiniest action is tinged with the motivation to
feel differently than you do in the moment. When you binge-eat or light up
or browse social media, what you really want is not a potato chip or a
cigarette or a bunch of likes. What you really want is to feel different.
Our feelings and emotions tell us whether to hold steady in our current
state or to make a change. They help us decide the best course of action.
Neurologists have discovered that when emotions and feelings are
impaired, we actually lose the ability to make decisions. We have no signal
of what to pursue and what to avoid. As the neuroscientist Antonio
Damasio explains, “It is emotion that allows you to mark things as good,
bad, or indifferent.”
To summarize, the specific cravings you feel and habits you perform are
really an attempt to address your fundamental underlying motives.
Whenever a habit successfully addresses a motive, you develop a craving to
do it again. In time, you learn to predict that checking social media will
help you feel loved or that watching YouTube will allow you to forget your
fears. Habits are attractive when we associate them with positive feelings,
and we can use this insight to our advantage rather than to our detriment.

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