• The PD Profile
  • Avtoportret 11

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    Profil PD
    Koncept projekta PD Profil je novo nadaljevanje raziskovanja avtoportreta, ki me spremlja že od začetka moje umetniške poti. Celotna zasnova projekta vsebuje različne 'izpeljanke' avtoportretnih profilnih podob, ki izhajajo iz dela Avtoportret 11, bodisi v tehniki risbe, fotografije ali glinene kompozicije.

    Kako torej uzreti svojo podobo v obliki profila? Ponovno sem se znašla v uprizarjanju avtoportreta, saj je avtor sam idealen izbor za dialog z iluzijo podobe.

    Izhodišče je bila tudi tokrat fotografija, na podlagi katere sem ustvarila risbo v obliki silhuete. S posegom v različne materiale sem poskušala ustvariti več snovnih silhuet. Kot kiparka stvari v glavnem zaznavam taktilno, kot fotografinja pa opazujem dve dimenziji, tako da je združitev fotografije in objekta v eno ravno pravšnje ugodje, ki ga kot avtorica raziskujem v svojih projektih. Prepletanje simbolike avtoportretnih silhuet (delo Levi in desni) gledalcu sporoča razklanost; levo in desno ogledalo ljudi včeraj, danes in jutri. Na drugi strani pa so s črkami, krogi in zemljevidi (fotografske) risbe silhuet prepletene v popolnoma intimno čutnost sveta in okolice.

    Polona Demšar

    The PD Profile
    The concept of The PD profile is a new episode in my research of self-portraits, which has been accompanying me since the beginning of my artistic journey. The concept of the project contains different variants of self-portrait images of my profile - based on the piece Self-Portrait 11 - in drawing, photographic or clay composition artistic techniques.

    So how does one perceive one's own image in the form of a profile? Once again, I found myself in staging a self-portrait - as the author herself is an ideal choice for a dialogue with the illusion of an image.

    The starting point was, once again, a photograph based on which I created a drawing in the form of a silhouette. By implementing various materials I attempted to create several material silhouettes. As a sculptor I perceive matters tactilely, while as a photographer I observe two dimensions. Thus, merging a photograph and an object into a single work of art fills me with a particular sense of comfort - which I, as the author, explore in my projects. The intermittent symbolism of the self-portrait silhouettes (as in the piece Left and Right) passes on to the viewer a message of an a priori division, mirroring to the left and to the right the people of yesterday, of today and of tomorrow. On the other hand, the (photographic) drawings of silhouettes are, with letters, circles, and maps, intertwined in a completely intimate sensuality of the world and its surroundings.
    Polona Demšar
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