Quality management review procedure
bet | 1/8 | Sana | 21.03.2017 | Hajmi | 75 Kb. | | #597 |
Best Practice for Servers
Working Guideline
best practice for servers
working guideline
The purpose of this document is to provide guidelines for best security practices when installing new servers (or reconfiguring old servers) on the ITD campus network. This document is "OS-agnostic". In other words, the specifics of HOW to implement these practices on a particular OS are left to the ITD Server Managers responsible for those servers and operating systems.
It is not the purpose of this document to provide the information necessary to correctly administer a server. It is assumed that the ITD Server Managers responsible for implementing these practices are knowledgeable of the operating system they have chosen, the hardware on which it runs and any applications that they intend to install on it. The ITD Server Manager is expected to already have that expertise or to obtain it before administering servers on the ITD network.
No server should be connected to the ITD network until the following items have been accomplished:
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