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Bog'liq Mikologiya algologiya majmua 2020 SamVMIFermentation - the process of converting carbohydrates as a result of vital activity of fungi, bacteria and other lower organisms.
Yeast - single-celled organisms of various shapes that are: belonging to the class of marsupials mushrooms; are roundish or elongated calf; do not lose viability when dry; capable under favorable conditions (in fruit juice) quickly multiply by budding, spores or division. For yeast food are protein (nitrogenous) substances and minerals (in small amounts) sweeteners.
Prokaryotes - ancient organisms. Prokaryotes do not possess well-decorated core and sheath typical chromosomal apparatus. The hereditary information is passed and implemented through DNA. Prokaryotes reproduce by dividing without the express sexual process. For prokaryotes include viruses, bacteria, cyanobacteria, mycoplasmas and other.
Taxis - directional movement (lower) organisms, individual cells and their organelles influenced by unilateral action of the stimulus. Distinguish: positive taxis, aimed at the exposure source; and negative taxis directed to the source of the impact.
Phycology - (Latin Alga -. Alga, logia -uchenie) science that studies the algae. Benthos - set of organisms, life, or most of it live at the bottom of reservoirs. There are Bakteriobentos, phytobenthos and zoobenthos. In size distinguish organisms macrobenthos (5 - 10 mm and larger), meiobenthos (from 0. 5 to 5 - 10 mm) and microbenthos (less than 0. 5 mm).
Biomass - the mass of the population of organisms on a certain area or a certain amount of water in the zone or the entire body of water; at any time, it is a result of some of oppositely directed breeding processes, and growth on the one hand, and elimination - from the other.
Aquatic Ecosystem (c oikos -. Housing, habitat, system - the combination, merger), water ecological system (v. e. s. ) - a set of aquatic organisms living together and the conditions of their existence in the water environment, combined into a functional unit through metabolism and energy, forming a system of interdependent biotic and abioti cheskih phenomena and processes. Structural and functional features v. e. s:
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