«biotexnologiya» kafedrasi O‘zbekiston respublikasi oliy va o‘rta maxsus ta’lim vazirligi
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Bog'liq Mikologiya algologiya majmua 2020 SamVMIHeterotrophic nutrition - food, in which the synthesis takes place using both inorganic and organic substances.
Dystrophic type reservoirs (c dys -. Not, trofe - food) "nekormnye" - shallow reservoirs with highly humified, slightly mineralizovannoy water, often swamped with torfyanymi deposits. Autochthonous organic matter is small, a lot of allochthonous (mostly humus substances). Phytoplankton, benthos - poor, often bezrybnye.
Dominant (Latin dominan -gospodstvuyuschy. ) - View quantitatively (numerically or biomass) prevailing in any community biocenosis. It can be assessed through the dominance factor
Cryophilic algae - cold-loving species.
Litoral (rp litus -. Beach) - a benthic zone, coasts
Lothic features - osobennosti flowing bodies of water associated with the characterized - acter trends and influencing biologicheskie properties and distribution of live organizmov in the aquatic environment.
Mesohaline waters - brackish water.
Mesotrophic type (c meso -. Average, trofe - food) - reservoirs optimal development of plankton, benthos, fish fauna. "Flowering" of water at stage III - IV, primary production - 0. 03 - 0. 30 g C / m2sut. Class food capacity - moderately average.
Migration (lat migratio - Relocation) - a massive spatial displacement of aquatic organisms, due to changes in environmental conditions or in connection with the passage of the development cycle. There are migration: regular, vertical, horizontal, daily, seasonal, annual, feeding, wintering, etc. Microplankton plankton organisms size from 50 microns to 1 mm.
Nekton (c nektos -. Floating) - sovokupnost actively moving aquatic organisms able to overcome water flow (kalmary, fish, mammals) (see. lifeforms). Nitrofitnye algae - algae living there where a lot of nitrogen, ammonia, (drains stables, latrines, etc. . . ).
Saprofitizm - absorption of minerals throughout the body surface.
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