Haustorium - outgrowth cell parasitic fungus penetrates into the cells of the affected plants.
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Bog'liq Mikologiya algologiya majmua 2020 SamVMIHaustorium - outgrowth cell parasitic fungus penetrates into the cells of the affected plants.
Gif - unicellular or multicellular filament forming vegetative and Sporocarp.
Mycology - botany that studies the morphology, taxonomy, biology and ecology of fungi.
Mycorrhiza - symbiotic fungi dwelling on the roots and in the tissues of higher plants roots. The mycorrhiza fungus obtains carbohydrates from the roots and supplies the plant with water and mineral nutrients.
Microfungi - fungi belonging to the class of Ascomycetes having small spores.
Mycelium - vegetative body of the fungus, consisting of a single-celled or multicellular filaments (hyphae).
The defeat of mushrooms - biological attack wood caused by fungi. From lat. Fungus - mushroom + Caedo - I kill
Fungicide - chemicals used to combat fungi, plant pathogens, destroying wooden structures or damaging material assets
Eukaryotes - higher organisms, which are clearly designed nuclei have a shell that separates them from the cytoplasm. Eukaryotes include kingdoms: fungi, plants and animals.
Lower plants - unicellular and multicellular algae, without dismembering the body at the root, stem, leaf.
Plants - producers of organisms that reproduce by spores, seeds and vegetative parts. Plants are composed of cell walls of cellulose have not capable of active movement. Plants make up a special kingdom, which is separated into upper and sporophylls - spore-bearing sheet-body thallus algae.
Tull - Vegetative body of algae, slime mold, fungi, lichens, bryophytes some. Tull has no partition on the organs and tissues differentiated.
Tallofit - lower plant whose dismembered body was not in the stem and leaves. By tallofitam are algae and lichens.
Edafofily - lower plants and fungi soil.
Spore - reproductive cells that are essential for reproduction and dispersal; and for passive conservation of organisms living in adverse conditions. disputes covered by dense Usually, resistant to external influences shell that can withstand high and low temperatures, as well as drying out. There are mitospory and meiospores.
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