continuous improvement towards a shorter customization time and reduced cost, con-
trolling of the adaptation process becomes a crucial task [14]. In addition, the flexibility
of the customization process has to be determined whether it should allow higher de-
grees of freedom regarding the model adaptation besides
configuration mechanisms
whose possible outcome is determined in advance. Thus, the generic models integrating
the possible changes and variations is provided because
of configurable process and
such a model can be configured to a specific solution. Within such considerations we
refer to the statements of formal modeling [15] allowing to demonstrate the possibility
of configurable model to be guided to a solution that fits to the user's requirements.
Through supporting the different configuration parameters
the adaptation process
leads to the state that is in relevance with the model, and obviously,
to provide such
configuration opportunities a configurable model must be able to provide a complete,
integrated set of all possible process configurations. The system model can be repre-
sented as labeled transition system, LTS as follows:
LTS = (S, L, T, S
the set of states;
is the set of transition labels;
S×L ×S
is the set of transitions;
is the set of initial states, and
is the set of final states.
A state represents a complete set of properties, describing the actual situation within
the process. Transition represents any kind of activity or functionality that is executed
and thereby changing the properties of the system. The dynamic behavior in such a way
can be viewed in notions of object-oriented software development, to provide a mech-
anism by which properties and features are attracted in the system. In addition, a con-
figurable process model is described as a tuple