and empowering the Digital Society, while digital transformation is evident in almost
every aspect of work and personal life today [1,2].
The research domain in Future Networks is aimed at delivering the next generation
of network technologies enabling smart connectivity for all, anywhere, at any time at
the highest speed and efficiency so as to meet an overwhelming demand by today's
society [3]. Along with tremendous benefits available through technology for both busi-
ness and society, there are many issues exist on performance, sustainability, security of
networking environment.
The Future Network (FN) should provide much better support for a broad range of
applications, services, and network architectures. In the FN environment, multiple iso-
lated logical networks each with different applications, services, and architectures share
the physical infrastructure and resources. Considering some conceptual features of Fu-
ture networking, including the ability to attract the application requirements, this paper
describes the issues of adaptation for future networking systems in different terms.
There are many real-life examples of applying the technologies of FN: techniques of
Internet of Things (IoT), Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), to name a few [4,5]. As we
see from research and development efforts of academia and industry, technologies are
being applied to enable intelligent and pervasive systems in infrastructure, software
development, cybersecurity, and data. In addition, IoT and artificial intelligence pro-
vide foundation for 5G solutions, ubiquitous infrastructure, assistive monitoring, and
others with specific usage (e.g. energy management, data mining, blockchain, quantum
computing, etc.). Wrapping up such areas and application domains, we can note three
major characteristics: intelligence, autonomy and real-time behavior [6]. To attract
these features in designing and implementing of such systems, the major technological
paradigm - Multi-Agent Systems (MAS) – is used among others. Together with princi-
ples of Software Engineering (SE) and Object-Oriented Design (OOD), MAS are
widely used as main tool in different application scenarios (both as modeling approach,
and software entity to attract required feature of object(s) under consideration).