• Task 6. Complete the following present tense sentences with the correct form of the verb, either simple or continuou
  • Current Assessment 2 Task Test yourself

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    Topshiriq 2 semester 2 (1)
    Bolalarning maktabga psixologik tayyorgarligi, Zokirov Dasturlash xx, Роль компьютера в жизни современного человека, Шахсий компютернинг асосий компонентларилот, Kompyuterni tashkil etilishining mantiqiy asoslari, 40 IELTS Listening Tests - Section 3 (with answers), Murodali, 4-deadline, Deadline 3(21-30), Zbekiston respublikasi axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiya, 1 амалий машгулотга топширик, 2 амалий машгулотга топширик, 1-mavzu Qattiq jismlarda diffuziya xodisasi, round-up-0, 5G security
    What is an eclipse?
    A solar eclipse (1) happens (happen) when the moon (2) __________
    (pass) in front of the sun. This only (3) __________ (take) place when there is a new moon.
    It (4) __________ (last) for up to 7.5 minutes. During a solar eclipse, it is dark. The birds (5) __________(not sing), and animals (6) __________ (keep) still and quiet.
    A solar eclipse (7) __________ (not happen) very often, and most people (8) __________ (enjoy) seeing one. However, it’s important not to look straight at the sun. If you (9) __________ (not remember) this, you can damage your eyes.
    A lunar eclipse (10) __________ (occur) when the earth’s shadow (11) __________ (fall) on the moon. The moon (12) __________
    (look) dim until it (13) __________ (come) out from the shadow

    Task 5. Look at the following websites and write them into the correct category below.

    Alibaba.com Amazon.com Answers.com BBC.co.uk Bing.com
    CNN.com eBay.com Facebook.com Flikr.com Google.com
    Instagram.com LinkedIn.com Twitter.com Wikipedia.org Yahoo.com

    Informational websites: ____________________________________________

    Social networking websites: _________________________________________
    E-commerce websites: ______________________________________________
    News websites: ____________________________________________________
    Search engines: ____________________________________________________
    Photo sharing websites: _____________________________________________

    Task 6. Complete the following present tense sentences with the correct form of the verb, either simple or continuous:
    1. The flowers in the garden _____ (smell) wonderful.
    2. She _____ (have) lunch with her friend.
    3. I _____ (think) he's right.
    4. They _____ (look) for their lost keys.
    5. She _____ (taste) the soup to check the seasoning.
    6. They _____ (be) intelligent.
    7. The dessert _____ (taste) delicious.
    8. He _____ (smell) different perfumes to find the perfect one.
    9. He _____ (have) a car.
    10. I _____ (think) about your suggestion.

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    Current Assessment 2 Task Test yourself

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