• Task 8. Write questions with the past simple.
  • Task 9. Do the tests according to the information according to the text. 1. What is the size range of devices in nanotechnology
  • 3. What distinguishes quantum computers from traditional computers
  • Task 7. Use the prompts to write sentences with

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    Topshiriq 2 semester 2 (1)
    Bolalarning maktabga psixologik tayyorgarligi, Zokirov Dasturlash xx, Роль компьютера в жизни современного человека, Шахсий компютернинг асосий компонентларилот, Kompyuterni tashkil etilishining mantiqiy asoslari, 40 IELTS Listening Tests - Section 3 (with answers), Murodali, 4-deadline, Deadline 3(21-30), Zbekiston respublikasi axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiya, 1 амалий машгулотга топширик, 2 амалий машгулотга топширик, 1-mavzu Qattiq jismlarda diffuziya xodisasi, round-up-0, 5G security
    Task 7. Use the prompts to write sentences with while, before or after
    Eg: Install the software/do a full backup
    Before installing the software, do a full back up.

    1. install an operating system/the computer may reboot several times

    2. deploy major software upgrades/train the users

    3. replace the hard drive/everything will go smoothly

    4. forget a password/reset it

    5. check the logs/finish work for the day

    6. check out the database problem/start work tomorrow

    7. be in the server room/check the network cables

    8. new designer arrives/set permissions on his computer

    Task 8. Write questions with the past simple.
    1 When / you / buy / that tablet / ?
    2 How much / your new computer / cost / ?
    3 What / you / do / after school yesterday / ?
    4 Why / you / not / call me last night / ?
    5 Where / Dad / save / the photos / on the computer / ?
    6 Which files / you / delete / ?
    7 How many copies / Gary / print / yesterday / ?
    8 Which company / Steve Jobs / help to start / ?

    Task 9. Do the tests according to the information according to the text.
    1. What is the size range of devices in nanotechnology?
    a) Millimeter to centimeter
    b) Micrometer to millimeter
    c) Nanometer to micrometer
    d) Centimeter to meter
    2. What are nanorobots used for in medicine?
    a) Destroying cholesterol molecules
    b) Controlling and diagnosing diseases
    c) Delivering medicines to specific places within the body
    d) All of the above
    3. What distinguishes quantum computers from traditional computers?
    a) They are based on quantum mechanics
    b) They use qbits that can be 0, 1, or something in between simultaneously
    c) They can examine all possible answers to a query at the same time
    d) All of the above

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    Bosh sahifa

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    Task 7. Use the prompts to write sentences with

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