• Task10. Write the verbs using the Complex Object
  • How do DNA computers process data?

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    Topshiriq 2 semester 2 (1)
    Bolalarning maktabga psixologik tayyorgarligi, Zokirov Dasturlash xx, Роль компьютера в жизни современного человека, Шахсий компютернинг асосий компонентларилот, Kompyuterni tashkil etilishining mantiqiy asoslari, 40 IELTS Listening Tests - Section 3 (with answers), Murodali, 4-deadline, Deadline 3(21-30), Zbekiston respublikasi axborot texnologiyalari va kommunikatsiya, 1 амалий машгулотга топширик, 2 амалий машгулотга топширик, 1-mavzu Qattiq jismlarda diffuziya xodisasi, round-up-0, 5G security
    4. How do DNA computers process data?
    a) By using transistors as building blocks of computation
    b) By utilizing enzymes that cause chain reactions
    c) By exploiting the strange qualities of quantum physics
    d) None of the above
    5. What achievement has been made by scientists at an Israeli institute in nanotechnology?
    a) Development of nanorobots for medical applications
    b) Creation of quantum computers with millions of qbits
    c) Introduction of DNA biochips for faster computing
    d) Development of a very small molecular computer that fits into a test tube

    Task10. Write the verbs using the Complex Object
    1. When I got to the cinema, I saw ____ for me. (he, to wait)
    2. I knew the guests had arrived because I could hear ____ downstairs. (they, to laugh)
    3. Do you want ____ with you? (I, to come)
    4. Hot weather makes ____ tired. (I, to feel)
    5. Do you want ____ some money to you? (I, to give)
    6. Glasses make ____ older. (he, to look)
    7. The film was very sad. It made ____. (I, to cry)
    8. When I was a child, my mother made ____ to bed early. (I, to go)
    9. I was surprised to hear ____ a new job. (she, to get)
    10. I was sorry to hear ____ his post. (he, to lose)
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    How do DNA computers process data?

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