• Developing
  • Competence
  • III. Main part Student’s Book page
  • IV. Post-activity 4 Which of these inventios would you like to try
  • Extra activities
  • Date : Grade : 7 Teacher : Abibullaeva Sarbinaz Lesson

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    adjectives lesson plan

    Date :
    Grade : 7
    Teacher : Abibullaeva Sarbinaz
    Lesson : Technology and gadgets
    The aim of the lesson: Educational: Students will talk about adjectives and adverbs and learn new vocabulary related to the topic. This include:
    -learning vocabulary for Adverbs of manners
    -using Adverbs of degree in sentences
    -using comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives
    - learning about different examples and speaking fluently with the help of adjectives.
    They will also learn to read a line chart.
    Developing: - to enable pupils to find out meaning through matching; Socio-cultural: - to raise awareness of more ways of talking about Adverbs and Adjectives. Learning outcomes: - by the end of the lesson, pupils will be able to: - use the structures and vocabulary learnt in previous lessons; - read for the main idea; - to use picture clues for meaning Competence: SC3, FLCC and LC in questions and dialogues Vocabulary and structure New language: Adverbs and Adjectives, degrees, manners , comparatives, superlatives,
    Materials: CD2 | Word cards: see unit 20 or bilingual dictionaries | Internet access (optional)
    Type of the lesson: non-standard, mixed Method of the lesson: group work, pair work , individual work The Procedure of the lesson:
    I. Organizing moment: - Greeting. - Checking the register - Checking homework
    II. Pre-Activity Warmer •
    Objective: to warm up
    Before telling the title of the unit ask student to look at the photograph and ask them their own ideas about photo which related to the new theme. They should describe the photo using some adjectives and adverbs.
    III. Main part Student’s Book page • 117-119 Use the photographs to teach/review the adjective and adverbs. Ask about which adjectives do you like the most when you make a new sentences. Raise your hand.
    1 Listen and look. • Say Listen and look at the pictures. Where does each kind of adjective and adverbs come from? Play the recording. Students listen and look. • Play the recording again, pausing to ask questions. Teach spicy.
    Conduct a show of hands class survey about adjective and adverbs. Ask who has an idea about describing family using adjectives? Students raise their hands. Ask those students What do you use to make the sentences to be correct clear and beautiful ? For example: I use some kind of adjectives or adverbs to make my speech fluently or I use them to describe things beautifully. IV. Post-activity 4 Which of these inventios would you like to try? Ask and answer. • Students work in pairs to ask and answer. Workbook page 85
    Look at the sentences in Exercise 1. Find three adverbs that don’t end with -ly. Write their adjectives.

    • Fast , well, hard

    1 Complete the words. Then check (✓) the correct adjectives. • Students complete the words and check the correct pictures. Key: Careful, correct, difficult, happy, important, noisy, loud, wonderful, awesome
    2 Read and write the words. • Students read the definitions and write the words. Key: Interesting, kind, quickly, quite, slim, thin, handsome, easy 3 Which adjectives or adverbs are the most famous in your country ? Name two. • Students write the names of them individually and share their opinions. My picture dictionary ➔ Go to page 157: Write the new words. • Students write the new words under the correct pictures. Ending the lesson • Play Definitions with items. Extra activities: Making a dialogue with your partners.
    Homework ➞ Workbook page 85-86 VI. Evaluation. Giving marks
    Deputy director on educational affairs: ____________________ Signature _________
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    Bosh sahifa

        Bosh sahifa

    Date : Grade : 7 Teacher : Abibullaeva Sarbinaz Lesson

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