A letter grading system will be used, based upon accumulation of total points from:
Assignments percent
Class participation / attendance 10%
Journal 20%
Class presentations 20%
Paper 1 20%
Group Project and paper 2 10%
Paper 3 20%
Total 100%
The journal will be your opportunity to reflect each week on the media presented, the readings and the discussion. The journal will be your essay responses to the material addressing questions the material raised for you and what you think about those questions, both before and after the class sessions. For example, write about the messages or themes that the material brought up and how you respond to the presentation of these themes. Make links between the media, readings and discussions and synthesize your thoughts and questions about this material. As the journals progress, make connections to previous material, in other words you could compare the depiction of nurses in the different weekly selections. You will also need to address how the media is constructed in terms of camera, sound, design, depiction of character, editing, pace, and storyline. Although you should begin by summarizing or reporting back on class discussions viewings and readings, that will not be sufficient for a passing grade. This is a chance for you to write about your own thoughts and reflections. Your weekly journal may also include material you have seen outside of class if it is appropriate to your analysis. We expect your thoughts and feelings about these topics to change over the course of the semester and the journal will become a record of those changes. It should be well written and submitted weekly by email to both Professors Mayer and Richardson by midnight on Thursday after the related class. These submissions are an important part of your grade. These will be graded as a pass/no pass. If a submission is not regarded as a serious attempt to respond to the material it will be returned as unacceptable and a resubmission will be required. Journal submissions are required weekly (except Sept. 10) . Your grade will be negatively affected by late submissions. If you are absent from class you are still responsible for that weeks’ journal based on seeing and reading the required material on your own. These should be approximately one double spaced page each. (11-12 point font, 1” margins).