Read the following text about a famous businesswoman and correct the mistakes in the
use of past perfect, past perfect continuous, used to and would. There are four mistakes.
Making money out of other people's fame is a highly specialised skill, but one that can
bring great rewards to those who practise it proficiently. M arianne Beretoli is one of
those people; she owns a company which sells inform ation about celebrities to other
celebrities as a kind of careers advice service. Although
she was born in France, she
use to dream of moving to the USA, specifically Hollywood. W hilst studying
business at
university Beretoli was known fo r her innovative approach to applying theory to practice
and she would to often challenge the ideas of her tutors.
When she had graduated,
Beretoli worked in Paris and tried unsuccessfully to set up her own m arketing agency.
Then she decided to move to the USA and w ithin m onths realised that she had been
making the righ t decision. She moved from Paris to Los Angeles in 1995 and a fte r she
had been w orking as an assistant fo r an advertising
agency fo r a few years, she had set
up her own company providing inform ation services to the rich and famous.
Read the text again and the multiple-choice questions below. Decide which answer A -D is
M arianne Beretoli moved to the USA...
A im m ediately after she had graduated from university.
B a fte r she had tried to start her own company and not been successful.
C a fte r she had been w orking for an agency in the advertising field fo r several years.
D before she studied business.
How did Beretoli behave w hile studying business at university?
A She used to be a challenge.