Fiona Aish & Jo TomlinsonBog'liq Grammar for IELTS - Collins English for Exams5
It is estim ated that in five years’ tim e 30% more people over the age of 6 5 _________
[start] to use the Internet. Tense:_________
Underline the examples of the future forms in the following text.
The Rise of Online Shopping
In the late 1990s experts predicted that online shopping would not be able to compete
w ith in-store shopping yet the recent rise in online sales figures suggests that th e ir
predictions were wrong. In fact a ll evidence points to the fact that online shopping w ill
have outstripped in-store shopping w ithin the next five years. This rapid increase has
been driven by a num ber of factors including price, convenience and choice. Most online
retailers use a delivery service and as a result of tracking retailers shopping habits, many
w ill soon be introducing specific delivery tim ing s so that custom ers can ensure th e ir
goods are delivered when they are at home. Online companies are already w orking on
innovative ways to a ttra ct custom ers. For example, la te r this year one of the cou ntry’s
largest electronics retailers, Browns, is launching a 24-hour replacem ent products
service fo r custom ers who need to retu rn faulty goods. Browns hopes that by 2015 over
90% of its custom er base w ill have graduated to online purchasing.
As w e ll as consum er goods another growth area is the travel industry. Travel experts estimate
that in as little as five years' tim e travel agencies w ill have disappeared from our shopping
centres and alm ost all travellers w ill be buying hotels and flights from online agencies.
The Internet
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Look at the previous text again and match the sentence halves below using the
grammatical forms to help you understand when the actions happen.
Browns w ill be
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