Unit 7
Quantifying expressions: The + general noun +
of + specific noun.
The verb agrees w ith the
general noun NOT the specific noun.
The am ount of Dollution has increased
dram atically.
The num ber of
pesticides in farm inq is
The tvDes of pollution are more varied now
compared w ith the 19th century.
The quantities of chem icals in rivers have
changed according to environm entalists.
Exam tip: It is im po rta n t to make sure you check subject + verb
agreem ent in your
w ritin g fo r Tasks 1 and 2. Mistakes in subject + verb agreem ent w ill reduce your w ritin g
score so you should leave tim e to check your w ork and make any necessary corrections
in the exam.
Practice exercises
Decide on the correct form (singular or plural) of the verbs in brackets and complete the
sentences 1-6.
Scientists at Oxford U n ive rsity________
[believe) that there are many different
solutions to the w orld 's environm ental problem s.