Add the punctuation to the following passage,
how important is the family
it could be argued that the fam ily is a stru ctu re in decline yet many sociologists now claim
that we are beginning to see a renewal in fam ily values and fam ily stru ctu re s jason lloyd
an em inent sociologist at the university of salford claim s that today people are yearning fo r
the days of tra d itio n a l fam ily values he asserts ... we can see examples of a renaissance
of fam ily values everywhere in the tv adverts that s e ll products using happy fam ilies
in the prom otions of seasonal fam ily celebrations like Christmas even in the language
of politicians about social cohesion lloyds claim s have recently been echoed by other
sociologists around the globe which gives them even more w eight so are we beginning to
see a return to the tra d itio n a l fam ily stru ctu re only tim e w ill te ll