Past p e rfe c t te n se I Past p e rfe c t co n tin u o u s I used to I w ou ld
The follow ing fo rm s are used to ta lk about the past in addition to the past sim ple tense.
Past perfect:
The past perfect is used to talk about:
One completed action that happened before another action in the past. The past perfect is used for
the firs t action
Before he became the 2010 w orld sw im m ing
champion nobody had heard of James
Every newspaper and TV channel in the USA
wanted to interview Neil A rm strong a fte r he
had landed on the moon.
Past perfect continuous:
The past perfect continuous is used to talk about:
Something that started in the past and continued up to a certain point in the past
The jo u rn a lis ts had been w aiting fo r over an
The Beatles had been playing together for
hour by the tim e the President arrived at the
years before they became famous,
Used to: Used to is used to talk about:
Past states and habits
The Spanish Royal fam ily used to be more
removed from public life than they are at
Dickinson used to w ork in a departm ent store
before he became the owner of a fashion
chain in Australia.
Note: In the negative and question form ,
used to becomes
use to.
Would: Would is used to talk about:
The typical activities of a person or people in the past. It should be used fo r repeated actions and not
state and is alm ost always used in the positive form only
In the 1930s Hollywood stars would give
regular interview s in magazines and
newspapers to promote new movies.
Before publishing companies, w rite rs
would often pay fo r th e ir own printing and
distribution costs.
See page 116 in the G ram m ar reference fo r more inform ation.