who wish to attend in person can do so other students may attend online if they prefer. Everyone
has the ability to mix and match how they attend and participate. In Lyle’s
experience, although
some students may want to submit assignments regularly and in an ongoing basis, others take the
option to submit everything by a given due date. He said:
HyFlex is like, it gives you a lot of opportunity. I think it’s the most . . . like
the greatest
kind of course that I think is best suited for me because it’s like . . . the teacher just gives
you like a week’s worth of work and then he just has it, you know, it has you just going
along like the due dates and he makes sure that I write down like
the due dates for each
assignment, so I don’t forget and it’s just really going on your own pace and your own
understanding and he was like his presentations online and sometimes recordings and he
also shares links and videos on YouTube so like he knows that . . . it’s our
part to meet
him halfway and I think is going by pretty good.
For students like Lyle, having the option to attend in person or online and having the option to
submit assignments one by one as scheduled or submit them all by a given deadline is beneficial
because it allows them to manage the stress of juggling work and school schedules each week.
This approach also allows students who need to spend extra time on a
given lesson or assignment
to do so and not have to keep up with other students who may move faster through the lessons
and assignments.