Exam practice model answer Pdf ko'rish
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Bog'liq Grammar for IELTSExam practice model answer
The bar chart sho w s the percentage of people who
have part-time jobs in the countries that make up the
United Kingdom, both in 1980 and in 2010. There'has
generally been a sm a ll increase in part-time w orkers
from 1980 to 2010, except in Northern Ireland. The
graph also sho w s that England and Wales have far
more part-time w orkers than Northern Ireland and
In 1980, 2 5 % of people in England worked part time.
The only country with a greater percentage of part-time
w orkers w as Wales, with around 3 3 % working part
time. Both countries saw an increase in the percentage
of people working part time in 2010. In England, the
percentage rose to over 3 0 % and in Wales percentage
rose to just over 35%.
Scotland had the smallest percentage of part-time
workers in 1980, with just over ten per cent. However,
this rose to almost 2 0 % in 2010 which is a large increase.
Lastly, Northern Ireland was the only country which had
a decreasing percentage of part-time workers. In 1980,
it had around 15% of people in part-time work. This
decreased by a couple of per cent in 2010.
10 Youth
Exercise 1
1 A s a result OR Therefore Function: Result
2 In addition to Function: Addition
3 Thirdly, Lastly, Finally Function: Ordering
U due to OR because of Function: Reason
5 but OR yet Function: Contrast
6 In conclusion OR In sum m ary Function: Sum m arizing
Exercise 2
1 Volunteering
2 community based
3 expensive (to staff)
U Dram a
5 likely to continue
6 new schem es
Exercise 3
1 due to
2 for example
3 although
U In addition to
5 However
6 because of
7 Lastly
8 such as
9 A s a result of
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